FabFilter User Forum

Help! I my emails to FabFilter keep getting bounced back!

I'm hoping a moderator can get this message to the right place.

I'm trying to contact info@fabfilter.com with some questions about purchasing Total Bundle for my charity. But, no matter what I write, or which Yandex email addresses I try use, it gets bounced back with the error "high probability of spam".

I promise I'm not spamming. This is a really sad issue. Just because Yandex is based in Russia, lots of mail filters kick it back. Yandex is the FabFilter of email and cloud services, so Google and the other corporate interests who want to put a stranglehold on the internet persecute them.

This kind of Russiaphobia is shocking to me, especially from a company based in the EU, where almost all the natural gas that keep people alive through the cold winters comes from Russia!


Hi Glen,

I saw your other forum message as well, and responded there! Of course, it should be possible to e-mail us from anywhere in the world, also from Russia. And I'm happy that we also have lot's of happy Russian customers... So I'm really hoping the bounce-back issue is caused by something else.

Could you send us a message via Facebook? We'll investigate!

Floris (FabFilter)

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