FabFilter User Forum

Need Pro Q 2 for Pro Q 3

Hey. I had upgraded from Pro Q2 to Pro Q3 and after a couple months transferred the Pro Q2 license to someone else.
I have just set up a new computer and tried to activated Pro Q3, but it´s telling me i need to have Pro Q2 activated in order to activate Pro Q3. The issue is, i cannot get my hands on Pro Q2 anymore since it`s been taken off stores.

Please let me know how this issue could be handled.


Antonio Ahrens

Hi Antonio,

Since you transferred Pro-Q 2 license it is not possible to use your Pro-Q 3 upgrade anymore. You need an Pro-Q 2 license for that to work.

The easiest way to get you working with Pro-Q again is for you to buy the plug-in from our shop. Of course you will get some loyalty discount since you still own Pro-L 2. We can refund you for the purchase of the Pro-Q 3 upgrade.

How does that sound?

Ralph (FabFilter)

that would be lovely. is it possible to wait with that until i`d ask you to since i`d wanna save up for pro q3 when you guys refund the upgrade so i can directly buy it! :)

Antonio Ahrens

also. what would the price be with the Pro L2 loyalty discount?

Antonio Ahrens

Hi Anthony,

When you own Pro-L 2 you have a loyalty discount of 15%, so Pro-Q 3 will be $152,15 instead of the regular $179. Just drop us a line at info@fabfilter.com when you're ready!


Ralph (FabFilter)

i have sent you an email requesting the refund! :)

Antonio Ahrens

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