FabFilter User Forum

Fab Filter Pro-Q3 Feature Suggestion

Q3 is my go to EQ, couldn't live without it, but I have a few suggestions that might make it even niftier.

A +/- octave button would be cool, as often times when notching out frequencies from iso booths there are resonances in multiple octaves. The option to both move the frequency you're currently notching up/down an octave, and to add a second notch at the frequency up/down an octave would be really cool. Although it sounds small, this would save me 5-10 seconds on every background vocal track on every mix, which would add up pretty quickly.

Along the same lines, Auto-Tracking harmonics, which I'm sure has already been requested, would be an awesome addition as well.


Hi Dom,

Thank you for your post. We've seen requests like this before! For now we've decided not to get into "smart" eq features like pitch tracking or harmonic bands. First and foremost we like Pro-Q to be your bread and butter eq, adding features also means expanding our interface. While Pro-Q 3 is already packed with features, its always a challenge to keep the interface as clean as possible. Of course, we might develop a plug-in like this in the future, but most probably it won't be implemented in Pro-Q.


I agree that pro-q3 is not the plugin to track frequencies, izotope and surferEQ are doing this and it's still "messy" to say the least.

however there is 1 aspect i'd like to be expanded upon: the external analyzer. i love that we can now see the spectrum and "problems" with pro-q's on other tracks, but what would make it GREAT is if we could doubleclick and we would actually go to that track/eq.

example: i'm currently working on a project with 96 tracks, i get pretty far with labeling but it's time consuming. i'm looking at the analyzer of my vocal group. i look at the list of other pro-q's and find the low mids of 1 of my instruments is interfering with the vocals. i now have to close the eq, scroll up to find my instrument, open the eq, put the analyzer of my vocal group on and fix the problem. these 4 actions could be done with 1 doubleclick.

the eq is beautifull, but speed is everything in mixing and this could improve the workflow significantly.



also a copy paste function would be awesome,
- click on the node > ctrl [cmd] c
- open any other pro-Q 3 > select a node > ctrl v

i often put a pro q on the master chain and dip through the frequencies to see which area has too much energy then dip that area on certain intruments until everything has it's rightful place


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