FabFilter User Forum

iOS Bundle price drop

Hi. I was very pleased to see the Pro bundle available on iOS, and purchased last week, despite already having bought the individual plugins in Auria Pro.

However, having barely been able to afford the bundle, I was very disappointed to see it drop in price so substantially, so soon after release.

Is there anything I can do about this?

Darren Peace

Hi Darren,

We are currently running our Summer Sale which also offers 25% discount on the iOS plug-ins and bundles. I understand your disappointment but there's really not much that we can do: the App Store doesn't let us do a partial refund for an order. You could ask Apple for a refund and then purchase at the sale price.

I can also make a regular FabFilter account for you and put the difference in there as credit towards any future purchases on Mac/Windows.


Frederik (FabFilter)

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