FabFilter User Forum

Pro R Crashes

I inquired twice to info@fabfilter.com but never got an acknowledgment or response.

Here is my original inquiry:
I experience a crash whenever I right-click or control click the decay rate or post EQ while using Pro R. This does not happen with Q3. The crash happens when using Digital Performer 10 and Reason 10. Is this a verifiable bug or am I just doing something wrong? If it is a bug, do you plan on fixing it?

BTW - I have purchased ALL of your software.



Hi Clyde,

I can see Frederik responded to you the 2nd of July. Is it possible our e-mail was intercepted by your spam filter?

In any case, this bug was fixed with the latest update of Pro-R. Please download the latest version from our downloads page;


Please let me know if that helps!


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