FabFilter User Forum

Set band names?

Hey I was wondering if in the full version you can set names for bands?

I use apQualizr2 and I really like this feature where you can set name for bands. it is useful for me when mixing to hint which freqs belogs to which intrument.


We don't have that feature in Pro-Q 3 currently... will think about it for future updates!


Frederik Slijkerman

on my watch list


I also use apQualizr2 for the same reason.

will Pro-Q have this soon ?


I would also love to see this feature in Pro-Q. I want Pro-Q to be the only EQ i use but i still use Eiosis AirEQ just for this feature.


Excellent feature suggestion, very useful.

Brian Heller

I wonder why this isn't implemented yet

such a great feature


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