FabFilter User Forum
LV2 PLUGINS ? one day ?
Sorry, but we have no plans for Linux compatibility at the moment.
What would make you change your mind? :)
"What would make you change your mind?"
I guess a grow in general Linux users. It's just not economic enough to develop/support a whole new platform which is only 1% in use.
Many of us only run windows boxes for the sole reason of using some very good VST that are all windows-only. For me all recording and editing is usually done in Reaper under Debian.
The market share might be larger than you think, ask U-he if supporting linux has been pointless. :D
u-he has Linux support, but it has some caveats. For one the releases are often delayed (some even for quite a long time), and it happens because they're able to do it for a very low cost (I've forgotten the specifics).
However one of the headaches is support, because you end up on a multitude of different distros with their own set of quirks and nuances, which can make supporting the plugins a nightmare, especially if you consider what you gain from it (most likely you'll end up seeing a loss).
This for instance has been reported by game developers who've supported Linux, and it's just been a nightmare for them. The support cases they got from Linux users was disproportionate to those from Windows.
There's certainly ways to do Linux support in some form or another, but it's a tricky beast where it's not just down to the user base, which is still next to nothing compared to Win/OSX.
Like Torben said, the variety of distributions combined with the low number of Linux users makes it very unattractive to support Linux. I think most developers supporting Linux do it as a "labor of love" that doesn't make a lot of financial sense. And that's great, and we do stuff like that all the time. In the case of Linux though, we don't use it ourselves and we're more attracted to the user-friendlier Mac/iOS/Windows platforms.
Hi there,
Very unfortunate indeed to see no Linux version.
The real problem is not the low market share, it is that the plugin makers have no idea how large of a market it actually is.
We use no Windows nor Mac here, only Linux. Whenever you find highly technical staff, you will find Linux. But the average person doesn't know that.
And U-He are providing no support for their Linux-Plugins, they just work.
The variety of systems does not matter much, as there is a VST or LV2 standard for Linux as well.
If you just test it on a big distro, as Debian or Ubuntu - many people would be very happy.
As far as I know, the graphical inteface just works flawlessly without any issues out of the box, if the plugin was designed in the Juce-framework. This might be a hint that the developement probably isn't such an issue.
Hello, i do MAO on linux, ist possible to have fabfilter plugins native compatibility with Linux (LV2 Plugins)
Thanks Matt