FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C 2 Sidechain not working with some presets

Evaluating demo version. I can't get sidechaining to work with most of the presets including the default setting preset active when first opening the plugin, yet it will work for some others e.g. Drums > Compact preset sidechains works just fine.
The source is heard when I click 'evaluate' after enabling the sidechain and I've even copied across Default Setting values to a new preset and makes no difference. What am I missing? Using Bitwig Studio. Thanks.


You need to open the sidechain panel at the bottom of the plugin window, and from there click on ext instead of int.

What doesn't work for you?


I can get sidechain working using the sidechain panel, but it won't work on a new preset I create or the Default preset.
I've made a little youtube video here. Drums > Capture preset i've put on A and Default preset is on B so I can show the issue with A/B compare. I've adjusted the Default Preset settings to match the working Capture preset.

If you follow the mouse it should show I'm checking the sidechain is working with audition etc.



Weird. I had a similar issue once where I found that Pro-C2 was receiving MIDI and it yield in sort of the same situation. Point is, it doesn't really explain why it changes when you switch presets.
Anyway, it's worth a shot, in the bottom left corner, in the MIDI learn menu, disable "receive MIDI", there is an off chance that it may be the culprit.


Thank you. Disabling midi seems to have worked. The preset that worked OK had it disabled, the default preset has it enabled.

Now I won't be able to control Pro C2 using Midi CC/Learn though so I'll have to try and work out what the hell is going on. None of the settings are automating, so not sure what midi it's taking to basically knock the compress to infinity it seems? Weird, but thank you. One step closer!


That i can tell you, it’s the note messages that get interpreted as a signal to trigger the compressor. It can be very handy, but obviously not all the time.
Don’t know Bitwig we’ll enough, but if you’re able to just filter out midi note messages to Pro-C2 you’re good to go. Or maybe instead of midi learn, maybe Bitwig provides a native solution to map controls to parameters? Don’t know...


I'm switching over from Cubase, but Bitwig deals with midi differently. Many thanks, i'll work it out!


Done a video here of how to resolve this. It's slightly counterintuitive because in Bitwig you've told the plugin to use an audio sidechain and the Midi input light in Pro-C2 isn't lighting up suggesting the plugin isn't receiving any midi.



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