FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter Saturn as a send effect?

Can FabFilter Saturn be used as a send effect?
If so, how do you set it up and is there official information from FabFilter on how to do this?

Thank you


Hi Andrew,

You can do this of course... but saturation usually isn't used in parallel with the original signal which is what send effects do. If you use Saturn this way, I would advise to use only a single band and not turn on HQ mode, otherwise you might get phase artefacts when the two signals are combined later on.


Frederik Slijkerman

Certainly problematic to use ANY FabFilter plugins as parallel processing in Logic Pro X, as LPX and FabFilter don't accurately compensate for latency, and, as Frederik put it, there will be massive phase problems.


Hi Jesse,

There are no issues at all running FabFilter plug-ins as send effects: Logic Pro X will compensate for plug-in latency correctly, also on sends/busses.

The only issue that LPX has, is that there is a maximum to the latency it can compensate for a track, which can be reached when using Pro-Q in the highest Linear Phase resolutions.

With Saturn: of course it can introduce a lot of phase changes (like any plug-ins that does some sort of non-linear-phase filtering), but this doesn't make it less useful on a send; I myself often use Saturn on a send to add some spice to drums or percussion for example...

Just try it and use your ears to decide whether you like it or not!


Floris (FabFilter)

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