FabFilter User Forum

Anything new being planned?


I'm a huge fan of FabFilter One and am going to the shopping cart right after this message. I'm planning to use fabfilter mainly for basic bass tones as it's so hugely deep sounding, even with one oscillator! I do however still feel that you guys could pull off the synth of the century if you design a more complex monster. I would love to see a synth from you guys with the same complexity as the bigger Hardware Virtual Analogues like the ones from ACCESS or Novation.

Some feature ideas:

- 3 x osc + sub osc
- mixer for all 3 oscs and sub osc + ringmod channel
- basic frequency modulation
- Envelopes with velocity and keyboard tracking sensitivity, for pitch, filter, amp and at least 2 auxiliary envelopes for user selectable things trough a modulation matrix or some other clever way
- LFO's for pitch, filter, amp and at least 2 auxiliary LFO's for other things. LFO's should have several shapes and a delay setting to introduce the LFO after a user selectable period of time.
- Ability to modulate even Envelope parameters like attack, decay and release (makes for a very expressive playing synth) and also ability to modulate portamento!
- Velocity and Keyboard tracking as modulation sources for everything
- many different filter types
- basic delay fx for chorus and spatial enhancement
- true stereo operation all the way from oscillator to filter (so you will basically need at least 2 filters in parallel)
- panning in the output stage that can modulated! (nice for swirly pads, or leads that have a stereo "stab" but fade into mono position

I'm sure there are tons of things that I've forgotten but my point is that with the soundquality that you guys have, you really have the potential to create an instrument of extraordinary potential! If you need a quite experienced synth programmer or a beta tester then don't hesitate to contact me. I'm currently studying music technology at the Centre of Music & Technology in Helsinki, Finland.



Hi bManiac!

... well, of course we are working very hard on new products. First, in a few months, we will release a nice filter bank plugin with lots of modulation options. After that, we'll focus on a bigger synth. :-) Thanks for all the tips, i'll register you as a beta tester!


Awesome! It's really nice to hear that you are working on a filter module! There's much too few good ones around. Keep up the good work guys!



I forgot to mention that I'm now an extremely happy registered user of fabfilter one!



... yeah, I saw your registration! Thanks for supporting us!


bManic you won't be disapointed - One is such a great sounding synth I'm sure you'll be more than happy with it :)


I'm not at all worried about the sound. FF1 has KILLER sound. In fact I think it is superior to most hardware VA synths. I'm much more worried about the feature set as FF1 is very limited right now. I'm building a custom Super-FF1 with the help of synthedit and energyXT. I'm planning to treat an instance of FF1 as an module inside a 3 osc mega synth (3xFF1 + effects). I'll post the synthedit (or energyXT, haven't decided yet where to do this) file once I've finished it.



Hello Sir,

I was searching for companies for working as a beta tester and found your site.

I don't know if you provide that post to the public but I'm a music composer/songwriter/mixing engineer.
I'm currently pursuing Bachelors in IT and I'm fluent in C++ and Python and I use FL Studio and Studio One for music purposes.

I would like to be a small addition to your enormous team and work with you guys.

Hoping for a positive response from you

Thanking you
Abhishek Sunil
Konvolution Sounds

Abhishek Sunil

Hi Abhishek,

Just contact us at info@fabfilter.com. And kudos for reviving such an old thread on the forum. :)


Frederik (FabFilter)

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