FabFilter User Forum

Program change

would be great to have fabfilter1 supporting program changes :)
thx for this great and simple plugin!


Hi Seb!

A program change is a midi message containing a bank number and program number, specifying the preset to load. As we use our own folder-based preset implementation, supporting that type of program change is not possible.

However, I did find a small bug after reading your message and experimenting with FabFilter One: it should be possible to change a preset while recording automation data (which is kind of the same as recording a program change) but this doesn't seem to work. We'll fix this asap.


Hi Floris,
Thank you for your answer :)

Using Ableton-live and Fabfilter-One, I found it quite annoying to switch preset using the mouse before launching a clip. I guess you could easily code something which translate "folder name" to "bank number" and "preset name" to "program number" (all of those sorted alphabeticaly).

It could be a perfect work-around without disturbing your actual system. The only limitation would be 127 folders and max 127 files per folder, but if you have more they will only be unreachable via the "program change" message but still selectable from the GUI.



Hi Seb,

The main problem with your program change solution is that when you add new preset files or delete preset files to the preset folder, there's a big chance that program changes in old songs aren't valid anymore.


Hi again,

At least it would work for people who organize a preset folder by project, like us ableton live users.


Hi Seb!

You're right about that. We'll think about it!


Hello Floris,
hope to see something about program change in the next changelog :)


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