FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C2 Crash


When I load an instance of Pro-C2 into my session in cubase it freezes, so then when I try and close the plugin it crashes the project. I have tried every other fabfilter plugin and they work fine.

Im using the vst3 versions of the plugins in Cubase Pro 10.

System spec is
Windows 10 64bit
i9-9900k 3.6ghz
64gb RAM
Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 Ti (driver version 425.31)

Ive tried earlier drivers and it still does the same thing.

Any ideas? I always like C2 so I dont want to stop using it.




This sounds very much like the crash that people were experiencing with earlier NVIDIA drivers. See this forum thread:

But the latest 425.31 driver has been reported to work well, so that's quite puzzling. Also, you're saying that it freezes when you insert Pro-C 2 into your session, which is different than what we heard earlier.

Can you try to turn off graphics acceleration to see if that fixes the issue?


Frederik Slijkerman

I had a similar problem with C2 in Cubase (Win 7). All other plugins were fine but the C2 demo I was trying would regularly crash Cubase. Support gave me a registry edit to disable openGL possibly? It fixed the issue. You might want to try that.
I was using AMD Radeon graphics card with 4gb of video ram.
No issues from anything else in the fabfilter line.

christian navarro

Hi Frederik / Christian

Thanks for the advice. I found the registry value for graphics acceleration for the C2 and set it to 0 and everything is super cool again.

Happy days, thanks guys.


I have this problem too with every single plugin from fabfilter.
I came back form vecation on 12.05. and installed the fabfilter plugins (very first install) and everything works fine with the 419.67 nvidia drivers.
After a few windows updates I thinkl I got this problem.
I tried the latest drivers 430.64 and then 425.31. Same Problem.


Cubase 10.0.20
Windows 10 64bit 1809
Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080 Ti (now driver version 425.31)

It's working only when I turn off graphics acceleration for each plugin.

Does this action have an effect on CPU load in the project?


@GongZilla: Turning off graphics acceleration won't increase the CPU load, but it will give less smooth graphics animation in the plug-in interfaces.

What happens exactly when you turn on graphics acceleration?


Frederik Slijkerman

I open a plugin, for example Q3, the plugin window freezes (frames stop). I have no visual action but cubase is still working.
Now when I want to close the plugin window the whole GUI of Cubase freezes. I can do nothing but playback doesn't stop.
In taskmgr the status message for Cubase shows "Inaktiv"


Definitely sound like a graphics driver issue. Too bad that NVIDIA's latest driver doesn't seem to fix this. You can try to report it to NVIDIA here: surveys.nvidia.com/index.jsp?pi=6e7ea6bb4a02641fa8f07694a40f8ac6

They've been quite responsive with the last bug report so hopefully they can reproduce it and can fix it in a future driver version. If you include full details like driver version, graphics card type, and that you're using Pro-C 2 in Cubase 10, that should help.

For now though, all I can recommend is to run without graphics acceleration.


Frederik Slijkerman

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