FabFilter User Forum


Because everyone raves online about the Fabfilter EQ being the BEST eq plugin, I finally pulled the trigger on it last week when it was on sale. So I'm hoping someone might be able to help out. When I insert the Pro Q3 on a stereo track it works as it should. But when I place it on a mono track such as a vocal etc. it only partly/weakly processes the track. I have many other EQs that I use with Cubase and they've all been just plug and play with zero problems. Maybe this is as simple as a need to set things up differently in Cubase than normal, or maybe it's a glitch with Fabfilter. I really want it to work correctly, so any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Lorne Entress

This is a bug in Cubase: VST2 plug-ins don't work correctly on mono tracks. A simple solution is to use the VST3 plug-in instead. You can find this in the EQ section of the inserts menu, marked with the /// VST3 icon.


Frederik Slijkerman

I went back to the FF download page and downloaded the full bundle instead of just the PRO Q3 and now it seems to work fine. Of course I have 150MB on my hard drive now of plugins I don't own, but so be it.

Lorne Entress

Tip: when installing the Total Bundle, you can choose which plug-ins you want to install. On Mac, you need to click the Customize button for this; on Windows the selection of plug-ins will always be shown.


Frederik Slijkerman

Any plans from fabfilter to fix the VST2 mono bug in cubase?


We can't fix a bug that is in Cubase... If you want it fixed, please get in touch with Steinberg.


Frederik Slijkerman

It is true it is an error that I saw a long time ago, since Pro-Q2 appeared and now also in Pro-Q3,I first noticed it in solo mode, it was not equal to Pro-Q1, I noticed that a lot of signal was passing that did not correspond to the soloed frequency, I discovered that there is a problem that only happens in Fabfilter VST2 inserted in a mono track in Cubase and Nuendo on windows or Mac. This does not happen with ProQ-1 or other VST2 from another brand. the strange thing is that it works well in Sonar and Studio One.

After several tests I solved it by opening the routing editor that in Nuendo 10 is in the upper right corner of the plugin, seeing that there was a dry signal passing directly and pressing reset fixed the whole problem.

The error is in:
Stereo Fabfilter VST2 inserted into mono tracks.
Mono Fabfilter VST2 inserted into stereo tracks.
I understand that the VST3 easily adapts to mono or stereo, but the question is why doesn't it happen in Pro Q1? And also because it doesn't happen with other VST2s from other companies?


Had the same problem in Nuendo. Tried installing the Total Bundle, but that didnt solve the problem on Mono tracks. If i filter the whole signal with fabfilter a second unprocessed signal slips past the plugin. What did help is to put the plugin in a Post-Fader slot. :-)


What helps is to use the VST3 plugin in Cubase or Nuendo. :)


Frederik (FabFilter)

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