FabFilter User Forum

ProQ3 Sidechain Filter

Hello, thanks for adding the sidechain input for the dynamic section. In the manual for dynamic eqing it says:

"The external side chain button, visible when using a custom threshold, lets you toggle between triggering on the plug-in input signal, or the external side chain input. Note that the plug-in input signal is band-limited and possibly M/S encoded depending on the settings of the band, but the external side chain input is not processed in this way, to give maximum flexibility when using this feature."

One application for having a sidechain input within a dynamic eq is to make space in a signal for other elements (like trackspacer does or can be done with any other dynamic eq). It's necessary then that the sidechain for the dynamic section gets triggered by the filtered and m/s encoded band similar to that it'll reduce. Having the whole unprocessed sidechain signal is counterproductive.

Is there a chance this will be added in a timely update? If not, are there any tips I can get that to work with its current state? And what would be useful applications for having an unprocessed sidechain signal (can't quite understand that decision)?



use pro-mb.

eunkyue sohn

We decided to use the unprocessed signal for external triggering because this makes it more flexible: sometimes you want to trigger on another part of the spectrum and if we would always use a band-limited external signal that would be impossible.

If you really need to trigger on a band-limited external signal, you can always route it via a bus, and put an instance of Pro-Q 3 on the bus to filter the side chain signal any way you need.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Send your sidechain signal through an aux where you can filter it if needed. Useful applications as it is? Many, e.g. the classic kick-ducks-bass, you don't really need to filter the kick, it will trigger compression in your bass band of choice just fine as it is. Same goes for vocal-ducks-guitars, etc. In fact in many of those cases filtering the sidechain can be counterproductive: If you're making room for your lead vocal by, say, dynamically cutting the high mids of your guitars, if you trigger with just the high mids of the vocal, it will cut less when the vocal has less high mids content, usually when it's quieter, which is when it needs the room the most.



Ha, Frederik beat me to it! :-)


Glad you agree with us. :)


Frederik (FabFilter)

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