FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q 2: Latency Issue

When changing the processing mode from zero latency to natural phase oder linear phase in different tracks in Logic X before exporting the session, the tracks aren't in sync anymore. Some are playing to early. The latency-compensation is turned on. Is there a way to fix this?


In Logic, you need to stop/start playback in order for the new latency to be processed correctly. Logic can't change the latency dynamically while playing.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks for the quick reply!
But thats not the problem. Even after re-staring logic, the issue with the latency is still there.


Hi Moritz,

I see, sorry for misreading your message earlier! There is a known problem in Logic with latency compensation and side chains. Do you use side chains in your project?

Also, if you change the processing mode just before exporting, try changing it earlier, play the session for a little bit, and export it then, to see if that makes a difference.

If there is a latency compensation problem during export, that does sound like a bug in Logic Pro X to me.


Frederik (FabFilter)


I am having the same problem as Moritz.

I have a project in Logic Pro X 10.4.4.

Today I added a Pro-Q 3 to my kick track, and another to my bass track, with the following settings:

60Hz high pass filter
slope of 6 dB per octave
processing mode of linear phase - max

Now when I play the project, the kick and bass are out of sync with the rest of the song. There is almost 2 seconds of silence when I hit play, presumably for the global project latency compensation to do its work, yet there is still very obvious latency on the kick and bass.

I am not using side chains on any plugins anywhere in the project.

Am I doing something wrong?


Uncle Freddie

It's possible that Logic cannot compensate latency that is that long. Can you try to set the Linear Phase processing mode to High to see if that solves the issue?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Yes, setting it to High solves the issue. Strange that I cannot use Max, though. I have not tried Very High yet.

Uncle Freddie

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