FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q 3 manual MIDI mapping

Does anyone know how to manually map the active band control to a midi knob?
I run Pro-Q 3 in LiveProfessor and it has an intermediate layer between MIDI controllers and the plugins, so "MIDI learn" doesn't work with it but I can manually map knobs to parameters in LiveProfessor's settings. There is no option for "Active Band" in the mapping list, just the 24 bands individually.

Jake B

Hi Jake,

The Active Band MIDI Learn feature only works if the Pro-Q 3 is receiving MIDI directly.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Any changes on this? I'd like to use the active band functions in Studio One 5 but seems like the DAW can't pass midi directly to the plugin. Control link isn't registering as midi in in ProQ, I tried linking to CCs offered in the VST interface but no midi in, no midi learn success :/


Hi Max,

you would need to add a MIDI track, that will route the MIDI coming in from your controller to Pro-Q 3. Please let me refer to the manual. There's no specific example for Studio One, but basically it works the same as in Logic or Pro Tools.


Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)

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