FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q 3 : Suggestion for adding attack,releaes,ratio and ... like what's in Pro MB

The pro q 3 is very fantastic but IMO only thing is :
In dynamic processing it need to be added the attack,release,ratio and etc like what's in Pro MB , it really will complete the design and performance of dynamic processing in pro q 3.
Thank you very much.
Hamid Shahmirzaee
Studio Avaye Pardis Co.



Thanks! We've taken the approach of keeping the dynamics system in Pro-Q 3 as simple as possible, using an advanced algorithm to automatically choose attack/release times for 95% of all dynamic EQ cases. While we could of course have added dedicated attack/release controls, we feel this would clutter the interface too much, and take away the elegance and simplicity that is one of Pro-Q's key features.

If you really need total control for frequency-dependent dynamic processing, we recommend to use Pro-MB instead.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks for your complete and fast answer.


Great choice indeed. Keeping this design uncluttered is essential for Fabfilter's GUI and usability. And there's always Pro-MB if you want to ADSR to your heart's content.


Hi Maarten,

I understand your idea that you want to keep the interface clean and simple. But as a sound designer I would like more control over the attack/release of the dynamic EQs. At the moment this is a real obstacle for me on Q3. Since your algorithm seems to be able to do it anyway, would it be possible to implement a kind of "Pro Button" (or a secret shortcut) that reveals access to these values? I could imagine that other audio post people would appreciate that, too. Pro-MB is unfortunately not an solution because I need the many bands and high Q values and overall workflow of an EQ and don`t want to "work around" with a second plugin. Thank you very much.

Many greetings

Christian Heck

lol pro-mb will be abandoned.

and please add the multiband subtle saturation function.
why not? :)


Hi Christian,

Thanks for your feedback. I understand your reasoning, but for now we've decided not to add dedicated attack/release controls to Pro-Q 3.


Frederik (FabFilter)

..at least consider adding some tweaked modes like "fast-med-slow" or something if not attack and release.
It's very hard to use it as it is and I can certainly say that one can't really use it in 70-80% of the cases as needed, definitely not a 'vanilla' flavor as it's simply too slow. Dyn-eqs are often for surgical use, they need to be very fast... not very slow just to "prevent from sounding 'bad' in ALL cases.


I have to second this. As it is, the roughly 10 millisecond attack time means a lot (or even most) of the transient is missed, A "fast attack" button that switched it to 1 ms or shorter would fix this well enough. What is the point of applying EQ to a transient if half of the transient is missed?


Second couple of kvr members =).
I'm missing slow/med/fast release settings too.


I have just upgraded from Q2 to Q3.
I also miss an "attack and release speed" feature.
I add my comments here to support it:
Using this dynamic EQ like a de-esser, I have found that sometimes the "recover" speed is not fast enough, therefore, after the de-essing, the voice remains a little bit "dark". This cannot be resolved setting the "threshold" and the "range" settings.

I know there is already a FabFilter De-essere plugin, but, you know, a professional dynamic EQ should be able to easily replace a De-esser.
Many other dynamic EQs already have this feature, at a lower price ;-).

I hope the attack and release speeds will get implemented in future revisions.

About the rest of the features, I think Q3 is almost complete (I can live without dedicated band saturation and "sidechain treatment", since these features can be implemented in other ways in a DAW like Reaper).

Thank you in advance for your support.

Best regards,

Francesco Zanellato

I also want this feature as I have to use a different dynamic EQ because of this shortfall. For the dynamic eq I use NOVA by Tokyo Dawn Records which does attack and release and its free! Please fix this FabFilter so I can go back to useing Pro Q.
PS. Why make the CAPTCHA impossible?, in fact why have this rubbish at all


I would love to see this attack release added as well.

I own Pro-MB but this adds another process, and it made me consider buying TDR or Sonnox when this could have been done in one plugin.

Harmoko Aguswan

wow ... I've upgraded from q2 mainly because of dyn eq not even considering whether the thing has attack/release functionality as it would have appeared this is an obvious control to have. Back to TDR Nova then... just waisted €40


I second this request! #KeepFabFilterOnTop


Am I the only one using the dynamics section without problems? So far ProQ3 seemed intelligent enough. And indeed for something like de-essing I just insert ProMB and done. The only thing I'd wish for would be filtering of the sidechain signal, but I know the reasons for it not being included and that's fine :-) I also don't think nagging, threatening and name calling gets us somewhere.


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