FabFilter User Forum

Missing Presets

Hi! There are no presets for any of my FabFilter plug-ins!

I checked the Library/Audio Presets Folder on my Mac and there isn't even a FabFilter Folder




Hi Constantine,

Did you check the /Users/your-user-name/Library/Audio/Presets/FabFilter folder?

Sometimes the presets can't be installed because of a permissions problem. Have you tried to repair permissions in the Finder?

You can also manually download and install the presets for all FabFilter plug-ins here:


Frederik (FabFilter)

I have run into the same issue I have tried repairing permissions but still can't find the Fabfilter folder on my Mac HD. I have downloaded all the presets but don't know where to put them?


Hi Patrick,

They should go in the /Users/your-user-name/Library/Audio/Presets/FabFilter/plug-in-name folder.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I have the same problem but mine show grayed out and won't load.
don't know how to fix it.
Using the latest Mac OSX Mojave 10.14.6


I downloaded and installed the bundle twice, but still the presets folder is missing

francisco Presets > ll
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 5 francisco staff 160 Nov 3 20:02 u-he
drwxr-xr-x 43 francisco staff 1376 Nov 11 23:25 Plugin Alliance
francisco Presets > pwd
francisco Presets >


i changed the permission on my presets folder on my mac and then tried restoring my factory presets but still got the same error message that i didn't have the valid permissions to restore so i stored the presets folder manually in the file location stated to do so but my presets are still not showing.


Since OS X 10.7 (Lion), the user Library folder is marked as hidden by default. To make it visible again in Finder, use one of the methods described below:


When you have access to your preset folder, you can install the presets manually. You can download them here:


After downloading, please unzip and move them to the following folder:

Mac: User/Library/Audio/Presets/FabFilter/

There's a big chance there is not FabFilter folder yet, so you would have to create that manually as well. Please note the two capital F's in FabFilter. If one of these are small letters it does not work.

After this, reopen your DAW and they should appear in your plug-in.


Ralph (FabFilter)

I am having issues loading any presets on Volcano2. I keep getting an error message every time I hit, "restore factory presets." I've tried all the tips listed on this topic, but nothing has worked. I downloaded the presets manually by following the link provided, and restarted my DAW to find I am still having the same issues. I tried the "open other preset" option and whenever I select any of the presets available, I get yet another error message saying the preset could be corrupt, from another FabFilter plug in, or it was written by an incompatible version of this plug in.. I am running FabFilter Volcano2 on Ableton Live Suite 10 (10.1.13).

Alfredo Lazaro

Hi Alfredo,

What kind of error message are you getting?

There is probably a permissions issue that prevents the plug-in from installing the factory presets. Open Finder and navigate to the /Users/<your user name>/Library/Audio folder, select the Presets folder and press Cmd+I. In the Sharing & Permissions section at the bottom, make sure you have 'Read & Write' permissions.

After you've corrected the permissions, open the plug-in again and choose Options > Restore Factory Presets again if needed. All presets should now be available.

Since OS X 10.7 (Lion), the user Library folder is marked as hidden by default. To make it visible again in Finder, open Terminal (found in /Applications/Utilities) and enter: chflags nohidden ~/Library

When installing them manually, have you made sure you've put them in the correct folder? Please see the folders below. If the FabFilter folders do not exist yet, please create them. Be aware of the 2 capital F's in Fab Filter.

Mac: User/Library/Audio/Presets/FabFilter/
Windows: My Documents\FabFilter\


Ralph (FabFilter)

Hi there,

I am also having this issue once again
I had this issue on Mojave 10.14 and also now on 10.15

A number of versions of Logic Pro (currently 10.6.1)
I am not sure why I keep getting this error with loading presets...

Is this down to Logic Pro or macOS?



Christopher Thake

Hi Christohper,

It could be that Apple changes the permissions if your library folders when upgrading to a newer OS version. Have you checked the permission status of the folder after you had the issue again?


Ralph (FabFilter)


Seriously. Why are you the only plugin company that can't figure out how to not have this happen? No other plugins I own have this issue. Literally every time I install your plugins I have this issue. It's beyond annoying. Please fix this going forward.



I was looking for this also and I couldn't help but to share this with you all. Below you will find the pathway to the presets folder that no one seems to be able to find. I am currently on Mojave but I'm sure this will work with the current OS for Mac.

Go to "Finder"

You will see "GO" at the top of the menu

Click on "GO"

Press and hold down "ALT"

A "LIBRARY" folder will appear under "HOME"

Click on that "LIBRARY" folder


In that folder you will find all the presets to your FabFilter products, even the ones you have made.

No, I don't work for FabFilter, but just a guy from Chicago that loves and makes House Music.

Best, Luis N.

Luis N.

I'm in the same situation. No presets, no good info to get them to work. How is this a problem that is so hard to resolve?

Presets? C'mon, get it together.


I did a Big Sur clean install.
I fresh install all my Fabfilter Plug-ins and no presets!
Ableton 11.06 Suite AU

Marc Acardipane

When I try to restore I get an "error - unable to restore all factory presets"

Marc Acardipane

Hi Marc, please follow the steps provided earlier:

There is probably a permissions issue that prevents the plug-in from installing the factory presets. Open Finder and navigate to the /Users/<your user name>/Library/Audio folder, select the Presets folder and press Cmd+I. In the Sharing & Permissions section at the bottom, make sure you have 'Read & Write' permissions.

After you've corrected the permissions, open the plug-in again and choose Options > Restore Factory Presets again if needed. All presets should now be available.

Since OS X 10.7 (Lion), the user Library folder is marked as hidden by default. To make it visible again in Finder, open Terminal (found in /Applications/Utilities) and enter: chflags nohidden ~/Library

When installing them manually, have you made sure you've put them in the correct folder? Please see the folders below. If the FabFilter folders do not exist yet, please create them. Be aware of the 2 capital F's in Fab Filter.

Mac: User/Library/Audio/Presets/FabFilter/
Windows: My Documents\FabFilter\

Ralph Verdult

I hate to say this, but I have a brand new MacBook Pro (2019 Intel model, 11.5.2 Big Sur) and even with a fresh install, I get no presets in the normal location. I haven't adjusted any permissions, I haven't done anything other than install Ableton Live and installed my plugins.

Tried changing permissions, they look correct. Tried re-installing, didn't work.

I can install them manually, but clearly there is a bug in the installer or something.

Dan Gayle

If I examine the latest pkg bundler using Suspicious Package, it shows that there are no presets in the installer, and nothing in any of the install scripts that mentions presets at all. Maybe I'm missing something, but it appears that you're not even attempting to install presets.

Dan Gayle

Hi Dan,

The presets are indeed not included in the installer. They will be automatically installed when you launch the plug-in for the first time. However, as MacOS got more and more secured, it is possible that it prevents the plug-in from saving the presets in the default location.

Ralph Verdult

Hi, having the same issue as everyone else here... Big Sur, no presets. Could you provide the link to do them manually? The old link is get a 403 not found.



Hi Matt,

Please find the correct link below:



Ralph Verdult

Had this problem on macOS Monterey (clean install). I created an empty folder called FabFilter in /Users/[MyUserName]/Library/Audio/Presets and reinstalled the plugins. Now when they open for the first time, they create a preset folder for that specific plugin, and everything works.


Same issue on Monterey 12.4 after update from 12.2 and ProTools 2022.5

In each plug-in try going to Presets > Options > Restore Factory Presets

For me I think it had something to do with iCloud Desktop moving the FabFilter Presets folder into iCloud as I had a warning after update 12.4 saying MacOS had moved some files, and previously the presets were working (12.2).

Hope that helps, thanks FabFilter for the great plug-ins!


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