FabFilter User Forum
Q3 - spectrum grab feature request
We've added Permanent Spectrum Grab in Pro-Q 2 in version 2.10, back in March 2017. :) And it's also present in Pro-Q 3:
However, we just discovered a small bug in Pro-Q 3 that makes it impossible to to into permanent mode once you're in the normal spectrum grab mode. If you hover over the spectrum area and the spectrum is turning purple, but hasn't become solid purple with a thick white line (which is normal spectrum grab mode), you can click and hold to enter permanent mode. We'll fix this in an upcoming update so click and hold will work at any time.
Sorry Frederik, I guess I overlooked that feature in the update... Many thanks for listening, as always!
A few of us requested back in 2014 (www.fabfilter.com/forum/2199/pro-q-2-feedback-and-suggestions?replies=9) some way of keeping spectrum grab mode active so that several peaks can be selected without exiting the mode and having to wait for it to build up again each time. Any chance this could be added to Q3 in a future update?