FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q3 Doesn't Save When I Reopen Old Projects

I've been having a reoccurring issue with the new update for Pro-Q where the settings - all the EQing work I did - doesn't save when I reopen Ableton Live 10. I'm using the VST2 version of the plugin and I haven't seen anyone else report this bug yet. Does anyone else have issues with your Pro-Q3 not saving between sessions or is this just a bug for me?

So far this has happened every time I try to save a project with Pro-Q3.

My computer's specs are as follows:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 1800x @3950Mhz
RAM: 32gb @3044
OS: Windows 10 Home x64 10.0.17134
GRAPHICS: Nvidia GTX 1080


Logan Richardson

Hi Logan,

That was a bug in Pro-Q 3.00 which we've already fixed in a new 3.01 version. You can download it here:


Frederik (FabFilter)

As far as i can tell, this has not been fixed, In fact, instead of not saving states, it deletes certain information at random sometimes getting it back when i reload the project. VERY frustrating. Some saves work, other times not. Using Ableton 10.

Anthony Thogmartin

Same problem here


That sounds very odd and we haven't had any reports about this problem. Can you explain in more detail exactly what is happening?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hey! I am still having this issue with the new update, this is very unfortunate because i love using fab filter but i have to set it down for now since there is nothing i can do to make it save my edits haha

scott s

Hi Scott,

Can you please email us with more specific information?


Frederik (FabFilter)

I’ve been having the same issue. Did you find a fix ?

Jesse clarke

I have the same problem

wayne hennessey

Please e-mail us at info@fabfilter.com with as much specific information as possible, and we'll investigate!

Floris (FabFilter)

I'm having the same problem while using it in Adobe Premiere Pro. Extremely frustrating. It works while playing in the timeline and then completely mutes whatever its applied to after in the exported media...

Rob D.

This is also happening with Pro-C 2 and other fab plugins... I'll continue testing. I just downloaded these on my work computer which is how i started noticing the problem.

Rob D.

Yes i also have the same problem.

everytime i close a project in ableton and open another all the adjustments are deleted.


Hey guys, I'm using Ableton as well and having the same problem when I'm using VST version.
You should try Audio Unit version of the plugin, then it solves the problem and you will be able to safe your adjustments when you re open the project

Roman Kislianskii

I suspect this is a problem with Ableton's VST3 implementation. Which version of Pro-Q 3 and Ableton Live are you using?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Same story for me. Opened Ableton this morning to find that all of my eq settings had reset.


same issue here, using v3.11 pro q 3 and ableton 10.1.14 on windows 10. Re opening a project I had pro q 3 in and half of the channels have all the data points erased. This has never happened before to my knowledge.

Stephen Britten

I get this behaviour also with Live 10.1.14 using Pro-Q3 in VST3 form. However, I *do* see all my EQ points and settings.. for some reason though, the audio coming through the EQ is at a much much lower level. If I turn the device off, I hear the full signal coming through.

Resolution for me: click the A/B to go to B, which is a copy of A by default. Then change B to "Default Setting" preset, which gets the full signal. Then hit A/B to go back to A, and now the EQ "sounds" correct. None of the points or settings have changed.

This usually happens when I open the project. Very frustrating to have to do this for every track that Pro-Q3 is on.


Yep, just spent £300 on FabFilter plugins (Pro-Q3, Pro-C2 and Pro-R), did hours of EQing and compressing on a mix in Ableton Live 10 today, exported audio to listen, closed the session. When I opened it later, all the FabFilter plugin settings had deleted back to default.

This is ridiculous, I can see posts/queries about this from 2 years ago and still no fix. The 'update' from a year or so ago supposedly fixed this, but it didn't. What is going on?!

Ian Rockett

Let's get to the bottom of this. So I have Live 10.1.15 on Windows and Pro-Q 3.14, running as VST3 in Live. If I create a new session with one audio clip, put Pro-Q 3 on it, make some curves, and save it, it is reloaded perfectly every time. So for me at least, this bug doesn't happen every time you load a session with Pro-Q 3. Some questions:

- Does the bug always happen, with every Pro-Q 3 instance, on every session load, for you guys? Or is it random?
- Can you share a session with me at info@fabfilter.com (simple/small sessions preferred)? Please send it via WeTransfer which makes it easy to send large files.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I am doing my best to figure out how to reproduce this. It used to happen every time I opened the project file, but it's now happening much less frequently. It seems intermittent. I will reply to your email as soon as I can figure out how to make it happen more reliably.

Nothing has changed since the time where it was happening every time, except I upgraded to version 3.14.

Also note -- my problem is different than the one these people are describing. My settings are not lost, all the eq points and curves etc. are still there, they are just being applied incorrectly, until I switch presets and then hit undo.


I have the same or very similar issue.
pro-q 3 works fine, but when everything is idle overnight or idle throughout the day whilst I go to the day job, the output goes very quiet or nothing at all.
the GUI stays as it should be which is the last changes I did.

got 2 workarounds
1. move the EQ points away and back to the same place, and one of them will get it working
2. duplicate its instance in Ableton live and delete what you duplicated from.

video of doing workaround 2:

Ableton live 10.1.9 (not tried laptop yet with 10.1.13)

i7 7700, 24gb ram, plenty of solid state drive space.
windows 10
focusrite 18i20


should have said in my post that its VST3 version of pro-q 3


The same issue here with ableton live 10.1.18 and the latest Pro Q3 VST2! Has anyone solved the problem? I can't believe this happened! If I don't get my states back, I can throw all my mixed projects right into the trash. Really great job guys! Please someone tell me that this has been fixed. Otherwise I have to burn down your offices!


I have the same issue, work is not saved, how come this issue is going on for so much time?,

what is the official statement of fabilter about this ?:

1. did you manage to replicate it in your support ?
2. is there a solution / workaround ?
3. if there is no solution at this time, is there an ETA for one ?

this is a major bug in your software which making it useless for many users.. i would expect something like this to be resolved very quickly on such an expensive product.


There seem to be two issues here:

1) When you leave Pro-Q 3 on a track overnight, the audio disappears/changes. We can reproduce this and will look into it.

2) When you open a saved session in Live, the settings for Pro-Q 3 are not restored correctly. So far we haven't been able to reproduce this. If you are experiencing this problem, please try to pin down what causes this to occur, if possible, and send us an email with as much information as possible so we can try to track it down. Very important to know if you are using the VST2 or VST3 plugins in Live.

@nykon: Since you are using the VST2 version of Pro-Q 3, are you experiencing issue 1 or 2?

@ninotores: Which issue are you seeing?


Frederik (FabFilter)

On my side I only have to deal with issue 2 and that only since I updated from v3.13. to v3.14. For old projects saved with Pro-Q3 v3.13. instances, all states are reset to the original state. No problems when I save new projects with v3.14.
What I found out so far is that the plugin titles have changed compared to v3.13. For example the VST3 plugin in v.3.14. is now called "Pro-Q3" instead of "FabFilter Pro-Q3" as in v.3.13.
For the VST2 plugin this is not the case, but maybe the root cause still lies here? idk...


Hi Nykon,

That is very interesting. The last version of Pro-Q 3 before 3.14 was 3.11 (3.12 and 3.13 were iOS-only). I just installed 3.11, opened a project, changed some Pro-Q 3 settings, and re-saved. Then installed 3.14, opened the project, and it loaded correctly. I'm on Windows 10 with Live 10.1.15 at the moment, and with the VST3 plugin version of Pro-Q 3. (It's correct that the name changed for the VST3 plugin and not the VST2 plugin, by the way.)

Can you try these same steps on your system to see if you can reproduce the issue where the state is not loaded correctly? You can download Pro-Q 3.11 here:


Frederik (FabFilter)

Oh, my fault, of course it is 3.11.
I just thought it would be 3.13 logically. ^^
Well, the thing is that we compare two different systems and don't even work with the same live version. I don't think that trying to reproduce the issue on Windows will work. I am working with Mac OSX 10.13.6 and Live version 10.1.18.
Is there anybody on your team who has nearly the same setup?
Anyways, in the meantime I will try to reproduce it again. Thanks for the installers!


Hi Nykon,

Oh, I didn't know you were on a Mac. Of course we have Macs and we'll test with Live 10.1.18 as well. We don't have a 10.13 system I think but most likely this won't make a difference. Let me get back to you after we've tested this.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Having the same issue with Cubase 8.5 on macOS High Sierra.
Every ProQ3 insert is set to default when I reopen a project.


Bauer, can you send us a project where this happens so we can reproduce the issue?

Nykon, unfortunately we have so far not been able to reproduce the 3.11 -> 3.14 problem, also on a Mac.


Frederik (FabFilter)

We have now been able to reliably reproduce and fix the problem with sessions sounding differently after leaving a project with FabFilter VST3 plugins open (but not playing) in Live overnight. This fix will be in the next general plug-in update. For now, we suggest to not leave your session open overnight; or if you see this problem the next day, just save the session and reopen it.

Unfortunately we still haven't been able to reproduce the other problems that were reported here.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I am having the same problem on Ableton Live 9, Mac Os X El Capitan All Pro Q 3 plugins reset to flat on reloading any file.
I just tried V3.11 and V3.14, and same thing


Hi again,
I've just restarted Live and with V3.14 it seems to be working fine. I've adjusted Pro Q 3 in 2 different files and saved and re opened and the settings are still there.
Good luck to you guys


Hey, same issue here. Completely infuriating, renders the plugin totally useless and worthless.

Pro-Q 3.14
Ableton 10.1.(whatever is latest)
OSX 10.15.7

Had the issue before all of these latest versions of the above 3 and it persists despite updates. What is the point in a plugin which can't even save its settings?

Pro-Q will continue to gather electronic dust in my plugins folder. Also I continue to warn people not to waste money on a useless plugin which could so easily be fantastic.

There are alternatives

ben o'clock

I seem to be having an issue with pro q3 where automations are completely disabled when reopening ableton live 10.1 sessions.
had anyone else experienced this behavior?



To all,

If you are experiencing these types of issues, we would love to work with you to try to track them down and fix them. Please email us at info@fabfilter.com with detailed information about the steps to take to reproduce the problem, your system configuration, etc.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I am using the lateats Ploque bidule P64 on a Macbook running under OSX 11.1 with the latest Pro-Q3 plugin and after I open one of the saved configuration file, I always get the default setting with rhe same configuration.


The same problem occurs, when I save a bidule setup with the modified Pro-Q3, even if I save the bidule setup as default...


With Pro-Q2 saving the presets works normal in the pluginitself.


We have pro-Q 2 and now also pro-Q 3 in the studio and this bug is absolutely terrible.
It is impossible to even estimate the amount of time consuming work i have lost through this bug.

It is also randomly. Some of my projects open without issues, others are all reset to "Default Setting".

While with pro-Q 2 we had mostly stability issues (random crashes) and sometimes lost most recent changes, never ALL of my instances of pro-Q in a project got wiped.

With pro-Q 3 this happens very often, especially with the VST2 Version.
VST3 seems to be working right as of now.

Mac pro 7,1.. catalina... enough cpu/ram
Ableton 10611, LUNA


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