FabFilter User Forum

Pro-MB and Pro-Q 2 lovechild affair

First and foremost, I love your products, and I’m always standing by to throw my money at you on new releases.

Second, I know you have your own wishes and plans for your products, so I try to give wishes based on some that seems somewhat Fabfilter-y to me :)

Wishlist :
- Pro-Q dynamic nodes (using Neutron/Melda/TDR Nova now)
- Built-in pink noise reference for both visualizer and EQ matching (I go to the Ozone EQ for pink noise matching now). It works with routing and all that, but it’s a hassle.

  • Real time EQ matching against a realtime reference, with dynamic nodes. Signals change a lot, and matching only works on the sampled/analyzed section, even when matching to something static like pink noise. Think of it like an autotune for node gain, where it matches to an incoming reference based on parameters (attack, release, reference smoothing etc.). I use Pro-MB a lot, but it’s not the same.

It’s a great way to «standardize» the spectrum when jumping between different studios/listening environments, which I do a lot. Using matching against pink noise/references has sped up projects towards the final mix a lot, because it’s faster and more reliable to get a radio sounding mix quickly despite being on the go.

Not really a big one, but a switch between parallel and serial EQ modes?

Thanks anyways, looking forward to the next release!

Magnus Wolff

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