FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q 2 on iOS: saving presets and reference spectrums, sidechain

Hi - as much as I like ProQ 2 on iOS, I yet couldn't figure out how to
a) save and recall my own presets within Pro Q2
b) save and recall a reference spectrum for EQ match
c) activate side chain for EQ match
I tried it all - different hosts (AUM, Audiobus 3, Auria), trying to activate iCloud storage (ProQ 2 doesn't show up in iCloud settings), desperatley looking for a "settings" button in the app itself... you name it.
At least I can save a full scene in AUM or Audiobus, so there is at least a work around for a) above. Any hints about b)and c) from anybody? Thanks!!!


Currently you can't save presets or reference spectra -- it's on our to-do list to implement that in a future update.

The side chain should work though, but there is no host that I know of that actually implements side chains for AUv3 plug-ins. The only way to currently use EQ match is to first route the reference signal to the plugin and record that via the main input, pause that, and then record the main signal. We know this isn't optimal and will work on this.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks, Frederik. Figured out the work around for EQ Match after a lot of trial and error, as ist is very confusing to see buttons that simply don‘t work as announced („save reference spectrum“, „side chain“). Also the manual doesn‘t help as it isn‘t covered in the part specific to iOS.

Anyway, I figured that EQ Match works well for room correction. Recording a pink noise reference spectrum from an internal generator and then matching the speaker signal via test mic against that lead to a big improvement even in the first place. Would love to play with different room correction curves and reference spectrums, but for that it would be very helpful to be able to save them rather than having to record them every time upfront. So thanks for looking into that and making it available!

As for side chain, it would be great to see the room signal from mic in the analyzer while EQing the signal going to the mains. Too bad that neither Audiobus nor AUM allow that at the moment. Maybe you guys can join forces here and make it happen?

I any case, thanks for this awesome and clearly outstanding iOS EQ Plugin. And for making it even better in the next release


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