FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C2 Mix (%) Slider


When a plugin has a "mix" knob/slider, it usualy behaves like a "dry/wet".
So when setting to 50% it should be half dry have wet.
But I notice that using the 'mix' slider in Pro-C2 lowers the amount of gain reduction, instead.

This is a bit confusing in my opinion.
I do understand why there's a need for such slider, but maybe you should consider calling it another name, which is more accurate for what it's really doing.

I'm still trying to figure out ,though, if a GR slider is needed, If one can simply adjust the threshold.
I guess seeing it in percentage might make it easier for some people to understand?

Love this plugin, anyway :}



I just opened the manual, and it says this knob IS a "dry/wet" slider.
I made an 'A/B' test that confirmed that it really is working like a dry/wet.

If this is the case, why does the GR amount visually lowers?
I think this it really confusing.


We calculate the gain reduction after the mix slider has been applied, so you see the actual gain reduction in the display and the meter.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Frederik,

I see, well it does make sense :}

Maybe this information should be added to the quick tips, when hovering over this slider.
Or maybe I'm the only one getting confused by this :}

Anyway, Thanks for the swift reply !



If the % slider is mix/dry balance what happens to 0%,50%,100% or 200%.

It is also a bit confusing to me. may be you could clarify it a bit


Adrien Maljean

I also just found out that if you set the slider to 50% and you pull the master out to -inf you still hear audio (really low certainly not half of the signal).
Exactly the same if you put the wet signal to -inf.
I wouldn't expect to hear nothing if I turn down the final output, as well as I would expect to hear half of the signal (should be 6dbs less?) when I turn off the wet pot.
Not a very low signal that comes out as the result of both the operations. I think the slider is not exactly a dry/wet cross-fader and doesn't works linearly.


I guess the slider works just on the gain reduction, adding some dry signal to reduce it of the set percentage. And that is really different from having half of the signal dry and half wet.


I too am confused by the knobs intended behavior. The GUI gives the impression that it's altering the gain reduction of the compressor vs mixing in the dry signal, and so does the fact that the knob goes over 100%. This makes me think that it can't be a simple mix knob.

From the manual (the first part makes it sound like a normal mix knob, the rest of it does not):

"The Mix slider enables you to mix between the dry and processed signals, scaling the overall dynamic and static gain changes. Because the Mix slider ranges from 0% to 200%, you can also choose to increase overall gain processing instead of fading it out!"

Could you please clarify FabFilter? Does the behavior of the knob change from 0-100 vs 100-200 perhaps? Or am I missing something?



The Mix slider in Pro-C 2 simply scales the gain reduction. It doesn't directly fade between the dry and wet signal.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I also find the "Mix" slider explanation in the manual confusing and under-explained.

It would be also nice if Pro-C had a proper parallel Dry/Wet mix with a single knob. The current implementation with using the alt key while dragging the knob is not very useful IMO, since the Wet and Dry knobs meet at -18dB which is far too quite.


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