FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter Pro-Q2 request: Show phase changes

Hi there!

I've been trying the DMG Audio Equilibrium and I felt in love with a feature this EQ has: you can see how the phase is affected by the equalization you make!

Could you add this feature in a future update of Pro-Q2? To my mind it would be really interesting to have this information with a naked eye.

You may represent this by a subtle thin curve below the equalization curves... However, if the GUI gets messy, just implement this by a "eq curve - phase curve" toggle button.

Hope you hear guys!


Hi Oscar,

We've thought about this but it just seemed a little bit too nerdy and we feel it would complicate the interface unnecessarily.


Frederik (FabFilter)


I also suggest having a show phase toggle somewhere in the menu, please consider it!

I don't find it that "nerdy" ... phase is very important and it can really mess the sound up if not careful ...like nicely illustrated in some of Mr. Worrall's FabFilter YT videos ;)


Obviously Pro-Q 3 is already about to be released so my suggestion won't matter much but I just wanted to chime in because before owning Pro-Q 2 my primary EQ was equilibrium. I rarely ever used the phase display. Largely because it was in a separate window. Also because it doesn't offer much useful information due to the fact that phase shifts usually follow an EQ band in a pretty straight forward way. My point is... I think if you were to add a small readout the displays the degree of the phase shift it will not only be useful but also a good clutter free alternative. Just my thoughts though obviously this won't be implemented by tomorrow unless it was already planned. I can say that missing this feature won't make me choose a different brand over Fabfilter but would still be nice to have. Let's be honest... it's pretty nerdy. However, when it comes to audio I think we are all proud nerds to one extent or another anyway.


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