FabFilter User Forum

Pro-MB 2 update???

I recently downloaded the pro-mb demo for use with my projects and loved the plugin. I am very much interested in purchasing the mastering bundle. However I noticed all the other plugins in that bundle are already updated to version 2, wondering if or when the Pro-MB plugin is slated for an update to Pro-MB 2?

David Vasquez

Hi David,

Thank you for your interest in our plug-ins. Pro-MB is actually still pretty up-to-date. We probably will release an update at some point, but this will probably not be in the near future. Also, we offer very good rates on upgrade pricing, so don't worry about future releases!

If you have any more questions, just let us know!


What is the situation now, is a PRO-MB and PRO-L update coming this summer?


We are updating our plug-ins with small improvements and bug fixes all the time: the latest update was in December 2020. For Pro-MB and Pro-L 2, we are not planning any major new versions for the near future: they still feel fresh and up to date to us.

We typically take five years or more between major version updates: it is simply not necessary to do a major update more often.


Frederik (FabFilter)

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