FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q 2 with dynamic EQ bands?

hi, i love Pro-Q 2 so much, i guess i replace my EQuiblibrium and stock fl studio eq for it, but are there plans to add maybe dynamic eq options? this would be awesome :)! like the WAVES F6 Floating-Band Dynamic EQ.


Hi Tibor,

We definitely plan on doing something with dynamic EQ at some point. When we'll be offering something like this or in what form is hard to say at the moment... Its a very common request, so it is high on our list. ;-)


thx a lot Maarten :), please if you plan a seperate plugin then optional, it would be cool to have it in a Pro Q3 maybe ;). i hate to have to load extra plugins hahaha!

again, i love Pro q2, there are maybe 2-3 small nitpicks im gonna send you via mail i hope are mybe already possible and i missed it or hopefully added :D


A dynamic EQ by fabfilter would be the best thing EVER




Hi Guys, I love the fact I can use ProQ2 in zero latency mode live and in the studio while tracking and it's a great plugin.

However Dynamic EQs have really taken over. McDsp AE600 works great with very low latency. Sonnox Dynamic EQ is only 50 samples and sounds amazing too but for live, zero or near zero latency is highly preferable. I think sound quality wise, the 2 mentioned would be good to investigate a bit to get some ideas.

Love your stuff!


Eddie Fisher

Please consider another +1 for Dynamic EQ integration with either pro q 2 or another version.

The best would be the all in one solution but obviously with on-off options per band so you dont grab cpu uselessly for situations you dont need dynamic treatment.

Also please dont forget the ides that someone sent to you already about distortion per band with something like pro q. Your tools are defenitely unbeatable for me.

Alexandre Desroches

Great ideas! :-)

Floris (FabFilter)

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