FabFilter User Forum

Micron and Simplon bigger GUI

Will you please consider upgrading and updating the user interfaces on these? Please make them resizable at the very least.

Also please consider doing this for Fab G and Fab DS

Thank you


We've thought about this but it seemed to us that Pro-G and Pro-DS don't really need the additional screen space because you're mainly interacting with the knobs. Is there a specific reason you'd like a bigger interface with those plug-ins?

I see your point regarding Micro and Simplon though.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thank you for offering the resizable GUI for the Creative and Pro plugins! Saturn at 250% is amazing!

Old user help for eyes! It would be really awesome to have SIMPLON and the other basic plugins to have a BIGGER GUI.

I have taught community college recording arts for the past 20 years, and your basic plugins are very good for teaching! :)

I know these are old plugins, but using Topaz Gigapixel for blowing up the GUI pictures would be a sharp and very easy solution. The 'hot areas' for the larger sizes would be the main work and even just a 150 200 250 percentage would be fantastic.

Workaround: Driving a 3rd monitor at 1080 x 768 works, but is sometimes problematic on MacOS at start-up.

Thank you for reading! All the Very Best :)


Walter M

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