FabFilter User Forum

Frequency charts imbedded with ProQ 2

Hey guys have you ever thought of adding frequency charts into Fabfilter ProQ2 for different instruments and make it light up when moving to different frequency points.
Like the abletunes EQ-Wise Plugin?
It’s a great educational tool and could be used in Audio Schools around the world.

Jamie Dockerty

Hi Jamie,

Thanks for the suggestion! We'll check this out and see whether it's something we could add in a future update...

Floris (FabFilter)

Not to steal the thread..

But alternatively you could also label the chart for things like
Muddy frequencies 250hz, and 500hz etc,
The frequency cut off range where it becomes non-directional between 150 and 250hz.
Common areas of digital fizz say at 4.1khz, and 8.1khz.

I think you get the gist of what I am talking about.

I do like the idea about the instrument range as well. But will it take into account things like 7, or 8 string low tuned guitars?

Could this be a per instrument basis, vocals covered from male bass, to female soprano?
Guitars covered from acoustic and the frequencies including down to low tuned with higher gauge strings like you get from Metal?

Or is this intended to be a multi-instrument chart. Vocals, guitar, bass, etc?

Could there perhaps be multiple templates?

Billy Procell

Just stumbled on this thread. I know it's been a while, but I'm amazed that no EQ plugins other than the EQ-Wise one seem to have anything like this. Their implementation seems like everything I'd ever want out of this sort of feature, with switchable label sets depending on types of instruments. Heck, I'd even be fine with just being able to enter my own labels. That said, that plugin seems really behind in M1 support for those of us in Mac land, and I don't know that I'd want to add yet another EQ plugin to the mix just for this feature, as helpful as it would be. Plus, ProQ (since v1!) has increasingly been my default due to usually thinking about anything I might want in an EQ before I know I want it! I have no doubt that if FabFilter chose to add something like what EQ-Wise does that they'd knock it out of the park. I don't know how, but they would somehow make it even better.


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