FabFilter User Forum

L2 loudness history

Thanks for your great plug-ins. It would be incredibly useful to have a time reference in the gain history portion of L2's window. Without it has much less practical application. It's great to know that louder areas exist but when working on a 2 hour film it really is not very useful without a time reference. Min:Sec would be great and session TC would be fantastic. Also, I notice that most of your presets are oriented towards music which is great. However, there are many film mixers that I know using fabfilter products. You might do yourselves a service adding more post production preset starting points.


Doug: I like the style of your post!
It put a smile on my face.


Hi Doug,

Thanks for this! Both suggestions are indeed very useful! We'll see if we can incorporate this in an upcoming minor update.

Floris (FabFilter)

I'll jump on this to ask: would it be possible to have the loudness meter follow the DAW stop/play status and update accordingly?
Meaning, say by the end of the film Pro-L2 reads -23LU. If I go back half way through the film, make a change and only play back 5 minutes of program, would it be possible to have those tweaked 5 minutes loudness reading replace the previous reading of the same 5 minutes and update the loudness reading of the whole project? That way we wouldn't need to play through the whole film after a small tweak.


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