FabFilter User Forum

Copying a preset eq from another source into Pro Q2

Hello All,
ProQ2 and FabFilter newbie here. I am curious if there is a way to copy the eq settings from another VST eq (directly from the same channel) into ProQ2.
I'll explain with an example.
I have a preset eq setting that I use on a kick track in Studio One's pro eq. Let's say that the kick is on track one and I have the S1 pro eq inserted on that track. Is there a way to drag in the ProQ2 on the same track and copy the S1 version into ProQ2 eq??? (my goal here would be to copy some favorites from other vendors into ProQ2 and save them as ProQ2 presets).
I tried to use eq match, but couldn't figure out how to make it work when both eq's (S1 & ProQ2) were on the same track.
Thanks ahead of time for any suggestions....hopefully I am not overlooking something very obvious....


Not possible at the moment and I don't see how it could be implemented, there isn't a standard format for presets and different plugins have different parameters, so a plugin would have to be very "intelligent" to be able to read presets from other vendors, even if their formats were known.

I don't see either how you could do an eq match on a single track, you're going to need at least two, the one you want to eq and the one that you send to the sidechain as a reference. Well explained here for Studio One:


You could do that but I suspect it's probably faster and more precise just to copy each filter manually. The one thing to bear in mind is that the Q values in Pro-Q2 are sqrt(2) times the actual Q, so if you have a filter in SO Pro EQ with a Q of 2, in Pro-Q2 it should be 2xsqrt(2)=2.828 to have the same shape.



Hmmmmm....now I am wondering if I made a copy of the initial track, put the S1 Pro eq on the original and Pro Q2 on the copy...then did an eq match. Perhaps that would work and then I could just save the second track eq to my Pro Q2 presets.....


Yes, you could do that, although the result isn't going to be as accurate as copying the filters yourself, but it might be quicker. If you need to do this for more than one preset, rather than copying each track individually, I suggest you use pink noise, it will be quicker and probably more accurate than using the actual tracks. Here's how you do it:

- Create one track and two buses
- Put the S1 Tone Generator set to pink noise on the track, S1 Pro EQ on bus1, FF Pro-Q2 on bus2
- Set up sends from the track to bus1 and bus2 and from bus1 to the sidechain of Pro-Q2. This last one must be at 0dB, careful because the default for sends in S1 is -6dB, so don't forget to Ctrl-click on it. For the sends from the track to the buses it doesn't matter as long as they are both at the same level.

Now you can go through all your Pro EQ presets one by one and match them on Pro-Q2. Once you've done a match and saved it as a preset, don't forget to delete all filters before proceeding to the next match.



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