FabFilter User Forum

Surround Support for Pro-R? Ever?

Heading says it all. Is this *ever* going to happen? Jus' wondering when I can make this my default reverb.

Rich Breen

Hi Rich,

Yes! It's certainly going to happen, but I can't promise anything on when the implementation will be finished...

But I can tell that we're working on surround support (for our Pro plug-ins) as we speak!


Floris (FabFilter)

Hi Floris.
Just want to bump this post after 1 1/2 years. Any update on that?

Axel Rohrbach

Hi Axel,

All I can say is, we haven't forgotten about surround support in Pro-R. So far we've added surround support in Pro-L 2 and Pro-Q 3, and Pro-R is next on our list.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Another 1 1/2 year later.. Still no surround support for the Pro-R in the near future?



Dan Scott

Pweety Pwease with Weverb on top?!?


Yes! I'm sorry we haven't got around to finishing this yet but we really want to do it!


Frederik (FabFilter)

I hope this happens soon! With all the new immersive and surround audio out there please please please make Pro-R compatible - would be so good for my atmos beds.


... I promise you won't have to wait long for this anymore :-) No promises, but working on it for sure!

Floris (FabFilter)

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