FabFilter User Forum

MIDI CC# Control Confusion

I am trying to setup MIDI control of ProQ-2 in a fairly large mix. I'm using Pro Tools with a Novation Nocturn (via its Automap MIDI stream). This is a clunky system that won't make things easier, but it should work just as standard MIDI messages do.

I have this working fine for a single ProQ instance on MIDI ch 1. The issue is that when MIDI learn is on for 1 instance, all the others instances learn that MIDI message, too. So if freq on a track is receiving on ch 1 CC #100, all the other instances also learn CC #100, and so the freq controls get ganged together.

Can you not have multiple plug-ins receiving on the same channel, but assigned different CC#'s? That would seem to be consistent with how MIDI works.

Hope that made some sense– tough to describe!


Hi Brian,

Right now the MIDI assignments in our plugins (via the internal MIDI learn system) are saved as global settings for all instances. What you're describing would actually require saving the MIDI learn state with the plugin parameters into the session. It would work for your particular purpose, but I think most people just want to setup a fixed assignment and having the ability to create and load/save per-instance assignments would probably confuse that.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks for the reply.
I'm OK with the mappings being the same for all instances. The problem is that moving a control changes the parameter values for all instances at the same time.

Hope I'm understanding you correctly...


Ah, I understand. I'll look into this a little deeper and will get back to you later about this.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I've done a test in Pro Tools, but I can just route MIDI to any effect plugin individually. So if I have two Pro-Q 2 instances on a track, I can route MIDI to the first, set up MIDI learn and control it, without affecting the second instance.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Sorry for the delay, thanks for looking. I think maybe I'm not understanding how this is intended to work.

What you're saying above is that each instance does NOT have independent CC# assignments. So is the idea that each instance of ProQ receives on its own MIDI channel?

It's true that the way PT handles MIDI input in this situation complicates this some. :)



Yep, the idea is that you have separate MIDI tracks for each instance that you need to control.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I believe this is a difference in how DAW's handle passing on MIDI information.

Some pass the MIDI data through to everything on the track, meaning plugins as well, while others don't.

So in some DAW's you can get away with just one MIDI track, while in others you have to duplicate the MIDI track and route it to the plugin, as Frederik mentions.

Torben Andersen

Ah, I think I got it– The MIDI controller I was using for a quick test only transmitted on 1 channel! I try with a better one, thanks!


Hi, so I’m trying to use multiple instances of Simplon in the same session and having trouble using midi learn the way I’d like.

Ideally, I could map each hipass and lopass filter to a different knob on my midi controller. That way I could open and close a filter on just one track at a time instead of all together.

Currently when I map one knob on the midi controller to the frequency in the filter, it controls the frequency on every instance of that plugin. There must be a way to turn off the global midi cc mapping. Please advise.


Rob Shore

I'm also trying to figure this out in Pro Tools if anyone has any further insight. I want to set up a midi controller to control just Q3, with the same knobs always controlling the same parameters but ONLY on the instance that's selected, not globally. Global mapping is ok, but is there a way to have midi only send to the selected channel?


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