FabFilter User Forum

Feature Requests

Love Fabfilter :)

I've been using Tokyo Dawn Record's 'SlickEQ Mastering' for mastering lately and one of the features I really enjoy is the fact that the plugin saves both A/B states between DAW sessions.

I noticed that none of the Fabfilter's do this - any reason why not? It would be really handy actually.

Also: Any plans to allow Pro-Q2 to go below 10hz? The High Pass Filter in DMG Audio products lets you set a HPF as low as 1hz... This feature is good for DC offset control.

I'd love to have that in Pro-Q 2.

Jason L

+1 to the first one. Especially with Pro-Q and MB often I have two alternatives that I'm comparing and also often I forget that they are not both saved, so I close my session and just lose one of them, I guess because I take for granted that the session will be exactly as it was when I reopen it, as is the case with everything else. When I do remember, I have to save one of them as a preset that I'm probably never going to use again once I'm done with that mix... It's a small thing but it would help a lot with workflow.

I can see how there could be a problem with backward compatibility though, since current versions probably store some config file with just one set of settings... I guess an updated plugin with this feature could store two config files, one for the settings that are visible, which would be what older versions read on reopen, and another one ("plugin_alt.cfg", if you see what I mean) that the updated plugin reads if it's there and if not it just loads the same settings for A and B, so there would be no problem with updated plugins in older sessions. Would that work?



Also for Pro-Q 2....

  • Different kinds of filter curves (Bessel, Butterworth, Elliptical etc)
  • 3db/oct options for super-gentle curves
  • Phase Response view mode.
  • Automatic Gain Compensation. When you push one frequency up, the others compensate by lowering. Complex maths but hey you're Fabfilter!
  • Built-in 'Pink Noise' reference curve. A great tool for mastering.

Ummm I think that's it for now (I will never ask for saturation :).

Thank you for making such amazing plugins!

Jason L

Thanks for your input, Cabirio - that sounds like a solid way to make it work.

And yeah the A/B not-saving thing has caught me out so many times. I keep forgetting about it. I guess I just naturally assume that the current "state" of the plugin includes both A/B, which should save with the session for full recall next load.

I often setup A/Bs in Pro-Q 2 and Pro-L... and export my session on each and compare the exported files outside of the main DAW. I'll choose my favourite and go back to the session. But if I haven't remembered to save one of the A/B's as a preset (kind of a messy workaround) it's gone. SlickEQ M saves both A and B and it's a wonderful luxury.

Jason L

Hi guys,

Thanks for all these suggestions! We'll surely keep them in mind when working on future updates.

Floris (FabFilter)

Great :) Thank you

Now, back to having fun with Pro-R...

Jason L

We already have an Auto Gain feature in Pro-Q 2 :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)

How about a phase only mode, like the one in Equilibrium that allows you to adjust the phase response only without affecting the frequency response (ie all-pass filters)


I had a thought...

If i'm running a mastering session and let's say I'm using:

- Pro-MB
- Pro-C 2
- Pro-L

And I have all 3 of them set to 4X oversample.

Isn't it unneccesarily downsampling then back upsampling inbetween each of the 3 plugins?

What if they were intelligent and worked together so that it only upsampled and downsampled once through the chain of 3 plugins? Maybe like an extra option "Keep Upsampled Rate" or "Do Not Downsample on Output"?

Am I the only one who thinks this would be a really neat idea?

Jason L

How aboute multi channel analyzer like Melda's MMultiAnalyzer? With spectrum of every channel sidechain, frequency collision, stereo image, ect..?


Pro-Q 2 - Please allow us to LOCK the solo (headphone) button.

And also to move Vertically as well as Horizontally when the solo button is being held down.



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