FabFilter User Forum

FF "Sweet Spot" for gain staging ... ?

Does the concept of an analog-like "sweet spot" exist for any of the FF plugins?

Many of the analog emulations (UAD, Waves) claim the -18dBFS level. Others a bit higher.

Just curious.


Hi Erik,

For most types of processing in the digital domain, there's no sweet spot, because most plug-ins (like Pro-Q 2, etc.) do not clip internally.

However, plug-ins in which use saturation or distortion (like Saturn obviously, but also Volcano 2 or Timeless 2), it does matter how hard you drive the input of the plug-in. In that case, -18 dBFS is a good starting point, but not a fixed rule. Best advice: just use your ears! :-)

Floris (FabFilter)

"However, plug-ins in which use saturation or distortion (like Saturn obviously, but also Volcano 2 or Timeless 2), it does matter how hard you drive the input of the plug-in."

Does that mean that Saturn and Volcano 2 and Timeless 2 are analog emulations and the other Fabfilter plugins are purely digital?


No, it only means that they start to distort/saturate internally, when their input is pushed to a certain level. The other plug-ins simply have no distortion/saturation stage, which an incoming signal can hit. Therefore, it passes through untouched, no matter how loud it is.


Is that -18dBFS an RMS and Peak level?


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