FabFilter User Forum

Logic crashing on close


FabFiler ProQ2 is crashing Logic (latest version) when I close a session.

Anyone else seeing this?

Brian Steckler

Here's the crash log, if it helps:

Process: Logic Pro X [2116]
Path: /Applications/Logic Pro X.app/Contents/MacOS/Logic Pro X
Identifier: com.apple.logic10
Version: 10.3.0 (4661.17)
Build Info: MALogic-4661017000000000~2
App Item ID: 634148309
App External ID: 818314444
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
Responsible: Logic Pro X [2116]
User ID: 502

PlugIn Path: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/FabFilter Pro-Q 2.component/Contents/MacOS/FabFilter Pro-Q 2
PlugIn Identifier: com.fabfilter.Pro-Q.AU.2
PlugIn Version: 2.07 (2.07)

Date/Time: 2017-01-31 21:16:16.699 -0800
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.11.4 (15E65)
Report Version: 11
Anonymous UUID: C0FBC06C-CCC7-43BB-22B0-3DC304BDC15A

Crashed Thread: 13 ProcessThread4/2048

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000

VM Regions Near 0:
__TEXT 000000010e75d000-0000000110000000 [ 24.6M] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Applications/Logic Pro X.app/Contents/MacOS/Logic Pro X

Application Specific Information:
Performing @selector(terminate:) from sender CLgMenuItem 0x7ffb040297f0

Breadcrumb Trail (reverse chronological seconds):
6145 logging-started

Global Trace Buffer (reverse chronological seconds):
364.490679 libextension.dylib 0x00007fff9be85533 tearing down extension request for pid 2782

Thread 13 Crashed:: ProcessThread4/2048
0 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff886b05ea _platform_memmove$VARIANT$Nehalem + 138
1 com.fabfilter.Pro-Q.AU.2 0x0000000132b1f35b 0x132a2e000 + 987995
2 com.fabfilter.Pro-Q.AU.2 0x0000000132b20b34 0x132a2e000 + 994100
3 com.fabfilter.Pro-Q.AU.2 0x0000000132ab2df5 0x132a2e000 + 544245
4 com.fabfilter.Pro-Q.AU.2 0x0000000132a3a42d 0x132a2e000 + 50221
5 com.fabfilter.Pro-Q.AU.2 0x0000000132a3a003 0x132a2e000 + 49155
6 com.fabfilter.Pro-Q.AU.2 0x0000000132aa313e 0x132a2e000 + 479550
7 com.apple.music.apps.MAAudioEngine 0x00000001127fd1b4 CMDAudioUnit::Process(MDPlugInputBusList const*, MDPlugOutputBusList const*, long, long, long, float const*, eProcessLevel) + 6004
8 com.apple.music.apps.MAAudioEngine 0x000000011277403e MDPlug::_Process(MDPlugInputBusList const*, MDPlugOutputBusList const*, long, long, long, float const*, eProcessLevel) + 1726
9 com.apple.music.apps.MAAudioEngine 0x000000011274acd3 MD::PluginProcess(MDProcInfo*, MDPlug*, long, long, long, eProcessLevel) + 3891
10 com.apple.music.apps.MAAudioEngine 0x0000000112747891 MD::StreamProcessing(eProcessLevel, long, long, long, int) + 7265
11 com.apple.music.apps.MAAudioEngine 0x00000001127411d5 MD::Process(eProcessLevel) + 2629
12 com.apple.music.apps.MAAudioEngine 0x00000001127569a1 MD::CallProcessThread4(void*) + 257
13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff97f8d99d _pthread_body + 131
14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff97f8d91a _pthread_start + 168
15 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff97f8b351 thread_start + 13

Thread 13 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
rax: 0x0000000000000000 rbx: 0x0000000000000001 rcx: 0x0000000000000010 rdx: 0x00000000000003f0
rdi: 0x0000000000000010 rsi: 0x00007ffaeba2ac30 rbp: 0x0000700000ee68b0 rsp: 0x0000700000ee68b0
r8: 0x00000000000000fc r9: 0x00000001fffffff8 r10: 0x00007ffb13da1b80 r11: 0xffff8005145d53e0
r12: 0x00007ffafd0d3a70 r13: 0x00007ffb37a10750 r14: 0x0000000000000400 r15: 0x0000000000000000
rip: 0x00007fff886b05ea rfl: 0x0000000000010206 cr2: 0x0000000000000000

Logical CPU: 0
Error Code: 0x00000006
Trap Number: 14

Binary Images:
0x132a2e000 - 0x132b93ff7 +com.fabfilter.Pro-Q.AU.2 (2.07 - 2.07) <51F5F14A-F209-30B6-B887-234E0471EF28> /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/FabFilter Pro-Q 2.component/Contents/MacOS/FabFilter Pro-Q 2

Brian Steckler

Hi Brian,

Thanks for reporting this issue! I've investigated the crash, see where it happens, but I don't see any obvious bug or error that could cause a crash at that point.

From what I see, the most plausible scenario, is that some other process (e.g. another third-party plug-in) has accidently written in Pro-Q 2's memory space (so outside of its own memory space), which caused Pro-Q 2 to crash the moment it needed that memory's contents. So in short: although the crash happens in Pro-Q 2's process, it may not be caused by Pro-Q 2 itself.

Could you try to, for example, remove all Slate Digital plug-in instances from the session (saving it as a test session of course) and then close it? Does it still crash? Then remove the next third party plug-ins etc. Let us know what you find!

Thanks in advance,

Floris (FabFilter)

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