FabFilter User Forum

Pro MB offline bounce issue


I have this issue where Pro MB 1.15 aax 64 bits will cut the audio when offline bouncing using Pro Tools HD12.7 Native (El capitan)...

Currently working on a musical DVD in surround with 13 songs to mix, 3 of those won't bounce offline ... If I deactivate Pro Mb (which is only inserted on my overall vocal Aux) all is well... reactivate and they will bounce but the sound will cut in the resulting file (always at the same spot)... No automation on the Pro MB...

Interesting fact.. If I leave the Pro MB plugin window open when bouncing I will see the analyser pre and post moving and at some point the Post display will stop showing anything and this seems to match when the audio actually cuts...

Also, when editing and mixing it will also cut the sound randomly and I have to close the session and reopen it to have audio back..

Thanks for your help..!


Hi Chris,

Thanks for the report. We're going to try and reproduce the issue.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hey Folks,

I'm experiencing similar audio dropouts using Pro-MB 1.19 AAX 64 bit in Pro Tools Ultimate 2019.6.0 on Mac OS 10.14.5 (Mac Pro 6,1 12 core, 64 GB RAM, 1 TB NVMe system ssd).

I experience random dropouts of audio when Pro Tools is in playback, whenever Pro MB is in a session, whether the plug is active or inactivated. If I quit the session, then quit Pro Tools & then re-launch the session, everything resolves. However, if I then close the session & re-open (w/o quitting Pro Tools entirely) it, the session will again have tracks whose audio is gone. Visually, the waveforms are present, but the audio does not playback.

If I remove the Pro MB plugin from my Pro Tools plug in folder entirely, the problem resolves, whether or not the "inactivated Pro MB" plug in remains in the Mix window.
If I only move the plug-in to the "unused" folder, the problem remains.

I've reported the issue to Avid & will be confirming it with one of their techs later this afternoon, but wanted to make you guys aware of it as well, since I LOVE this plug-in & use it all the time.

NB: I was NOT experiencing this with Pro MB under Mac OS 10.13.2 ... the sxs began when I upgraded the Mac OS to 10,13.6.


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