FabFilter User Forum


It sounds great, BUT let me tell you what happened. Maybe someone has some info.

I had it set up on a return track in ableton, and was sending it to a track with a piano in kontakt on it.

I exported a portion of the track to send to my friend to let him listen and right when it was done exporting pro R created the LOUDEST shit high pitched buzzing sound I've ever heard, and it scared the shit out of me. The meter in ableton was completely red and smashed to the top, and the frequency display in the EQ was all gray with harmonics smashed to the top as well.

It was a constant sound. It sounded like a hockey goal horn if it was pitched up. I turned pro R off, and turned it on again, and it was still there (the sound stopped while it was off). I changed presets and that only changed the tone of the buzz slightly.

If I turned the volume of the track down, it stayed the same volume until I reached inf where it just shut off the sound.

It was SO LOUD. I didn't think a plug-in could make such a loud sound with my volume at a moderate setting. Now I'm scared to use it again.


Hi Devin,

Thanks for reporting this! Would it be possible to e-mail us the exact preset in Pro-R you were using and if possible also (a snippet of) the audio you were processing? Then I can try to reproduce the problem and see what's happening. It surely sounds like some sort of edge case...

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Floris (FabFilter)

I just finished exporting a track that had FF Pro-L at the end of the mastering chain, and the same thing is happening with this plug-in now.

It is the same as the reverb, it happened as soon as exporting is complete, and that's the only time it's ever happened.

I'm going to send you a video of Pro-L making the sound right now, and also a video of Pro-R making the sound after I export. I'll show you everything I have going on.


I don't know if my email got to you, I sent it 2 videos from my phone but they're not showing up in my sent mail, so I just put it on youtube here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIC4cFXBWOo


Thanks Devin, we'll look into this!

Floris (FabFilter)

Hi Devin,

It looks like we didn't get your email. Would it be possible for you to create a small test session that reproduces the error and email that to us?

Just exporting something with the Piano Hall preset didn't trigger the problem for me.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I have the same problem with pro R. Randomly it makes that really loud noise that smashes my ears. I use it with studio one 5. Please fix that...

Jonas Fehrenberg

My spider-senses are whispering you should buy Pro-R :-D


Hi guys,

Jonas does own Pro-R. However, you should not get any noise bursts anyway.

One thing that you could try, is to uninstall -all- FabFilter plug-ins, so also demo's of plug-ins that you haven't licensed etc. (see www.fabfilter.com/support/faq/#how-do-i-completely-uninstall-plug-ins-from-my-system).

After this, restart your computer, open your DAW again confirm that it doesn't show any FabFilter plug-ins anymore. Because if it does, this might mean that you didn't uninstall everything and some plug-ins files might be placed in unexpected places on your drive...

Then, if you're a 100% sure there are no FabFilter plug-ins on your system, re-install by downloading from www.fabfilter.com/download .

Please let me know if this resolves your issue.


Ralph (FabFilter)

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