FabFilter User Forum

How to invert a filter from boost to cut

I'm sure I've seen a quick way to do this somewhere but I can't now find it. I have swept a narrow bell boost to identify a bass drum resonance and now I want to invert the filter to cut it. Is there a shortcut for this?



Of course, if the boost was 6 dB you change that value to -6 dB ;-)


That's too easy!



I have the same question too, is there a key shorcut to do that? Without having to double click and write the minus...

Adrian T

Unfortunately not. We'll think about it for a future update as this question comes up from time to time.


Frederik (FabFilter)

It would be handy to be able to do an inverted version of the match EQ to cut out holes say in a too rich pad for a solo to poke through automatically

Nick Harpley

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