FabFilter User Forum

Saturn 2 changes sound even with all bands disabled


I'm experiencing an altered sound with Saturn 2 (like some sort of saturation) even with all bands disabled (in the band I/O button). The sound only keeps unaltered when I disable the plugin with Apple Logic's I/O button or when I delete the plugin from my channel strip.

It is an important problem obviously because I can't rely on the band I/O button to bypass the saturation created by the input of that band.


Hi Tiago,

Saturn does indeed has a subtle overall saturation, which cannot be disabled. But this is by design: Saturn is not meant to sound clean of course :-)

You can make the sound cleaner, by lowering the input level and compensating for it with more output level though...

Floris (FabFilter)


I've found that the overall mix knob is the best suited to add the saturated signal to the clean one. The input and output knobs are not so suited to it because they are related. The input feeds the plugin and output is the level of the saturated signal, so if I increase input, I will be driving the plugin more. With the mix knob I have a better control beetween processed and unprocessed signals.

I do believe that when the mix knob of the band is set to zero or when the band is disabled, it is probably good to have a subtle saturation of the band in order to sound more natural with other bands turned on and with mix knob set to a value greater than zero, but with FabFilter concept of "what you use is what you see" and it´s plug-ins being so pin point accurate, it is opinion that it should be the user's the decision to generate harmonics (or not) based on the signal of that band. A real example: I have a bass guitar sound that needed some saturation of the low end for the lower mids to sound more consistent. My upper mids and highs were just perfect. So, what I expected from a multiband saturator is that I could leave the upper mids and highs unprocessed. I wish I could say to the plugin: "simply don't generate harmonics based on these high end material".

With some posterior processing of the upper end, the final sound turned to be very pleasant, but I will never know if it would be better (or easier to achive it) without the upper band subtle saturation.


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