FabFilter User Forum

Saturn 2 Suggestion

Don't even know if this is possible, but it would be pretty cool for the next update to Saturn to see a 'Drive EQ' control, similar to what you guys implemented with the 'Decay Rate EQ' in Pro-R recently. Basically, departing (or having the option to) from the crossover/multiband method of distortion and having something that is variable, so you could really hone in on distorting certain frequencies. Even if that means you could only use one drive/distortion style through the whole spectrum while in that mode. Just a random thought I had while working with Saturn.


Bryson Dodwell

And better GUI colors at that as well...my eyes bleed looking at it!


Please make the gui more like Pro R, Pro MB, Pro Q. Dark, Resizable.
Some new algorithms that are, interesting, and useful. The current one is flexible but could use some updated / refined flavors.

I like the idea from above about using distortion on a point by point basis. If each eq point could have it's own distortion type that would be even better. Especially if the piano from Pro Q is at the bottom.

Outlandish wishes:
-Ring mod
-Sample and hold
-Manual waveshape editing
-More control over bit crush / down sampling
-Loading custom IRs / convolutions


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