FabFilter User Forum

Pro R decay suddenly stops after 10 seconds

The longest decay time seems to be 10 seconds, even though setting the decay time to 200% should give a 20 second decay, but it just snaps off after 10 seconds.
The ETERNITY preset is a good example of it snapping off,
Can't help thinking this cannot be right,

other than that, the Pro R is amazing.


Hi Andy,

Can you give us an audio example of this? Of even better, can you send us a test DAW project with a small audio example? Then we can check it out!

Floris (FabFilter)

I have got to the bottom of the problem with this, it is Cubase Pro 8(PC) suspending the VST3 plug in after 10 seconds of no input signal.
If I disable "Suspend VST3 plug-in processing when no audio signals are received" in Cubase preferences, everything is OK.
So, Pro-R is not keeping the VST3 awake in Cubase when the audio signal stops, long enough for the longest decay time.


Ahhh ... this is the reason :-)
Great Tip!

Chris L.

Hi Andy, Chris,

Thanks for clarifying this! We'll see if we can do something about this still...

Floris (FabFilter)

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