FabFilter User Forum


Hi All.
Re: ProC2.

Is there a difference between,
1) the ‘wet gain and dry gain knobs on the main window ,
and the
2) “mix” slider on the output section (next to the bypass button)?

I assume their usage is for parallel prcocessing but I don’t get why they both exist?



If I'm not mistaken it isn't really a "mix" control in the sense of dry / wet but a scaling factor for gain reduction, so at 100% you get whatever GR corresponds to your settings, at 200% gain reduction is doubled, at 0% it's 0 and everything in between. Useful mainly for automation. F&F will correct me if I'm wrong I'm sure...



Hi Tim !

The dry/wet knobs are like the 'regular' "Dry/Wet", except it's not in percentage, but in actual level (dB).
I find it useful that way, especially for parallel compression, when you can have full dry signal, with, lets say, 12 db of hardly compressed signal.
You can use it the other way, of course, adding some dry signal to the wet.

The mix slider is actually what Cabirio said, its overall GR in percentage, and not actually dry/wet mix.

Which is, I must say, a bit odd and confusing to me, but thats the way it is :}




Thanks guys.


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