FabFilter User Forum

Twin 2 - Why Limit on Presets in Auria Pro?

Hi Fabfilter,

For the Pc version of Twin 2 there are over 1600 presets available.
I don't know how many are available on iOS? (Please tell me..)

I have purchased all of the IAP's, but there are tons not available still.
Why is this, can we get all that is available?

I was watching a preset demo vid on ytube, and just thought I would check a preset I liked, but it's not there??

Example; 'Arp Strings JN' in Orchestra. Why don't we have this/these?

Look forward to your reply.




For Auria we decided to only include a small library of ~100 essential presets with Twin, and add the rest via preset packs. To start, we're currently only offering the additional preset packs that we're also selling separately for the desktop version of Twin 2. We're looking into providing more preset packs using the other presets from Twin 2 in the future.


Frederik (FabFilter)


Hope it's the near future ;)

100 out of 1600 (tut tut)

... anyway ... I want/need everything Fabfilter has to offer!

As soon as they become IAP's I'm in.

Have all your plugins via Auria, they are all great ... (the best!)





Me too wants mooooore factory presets to the fabolous Twin 2 for Auria Pro on my iPad Pro 12.9"...

When can we buy more presets from Fabfilter?


^^ Yes more presets!
Anyone else interested..

Also need some cpu optimisation for said synth - Fabfilter..
And others in Auria..




I suppose there's more people like me that wishes more factory presets to Twin 2 from the Fabfilter crew...

In the desktop version there's 1600 patches, and, some of them are fantastic!

But, Twin 2 in Auria Pro just deliver around 100 of them as IAP... Wish that Fabfilter could give us the opportunities to buy more more in future...

Meanwhile, today I downloaded the demo version of Twin 2 into Logic Pro X into my Mac and browse thru the amazing collections of presets...

As an test I copy every parameter of a nice patch from my Mac into a clean patch to my iPad Pro 12.9" to test out if I could "copy" the exact sound from the desktop version into Twin 2 in Auria Pro...

And, yes, I succeeded to get the same sound!

But, it's very fiddly to input the very same value into every screen elements (I use the Apple Pencil)...

Onto the desktop version there's an option to double click on certain element and put in values from the keyboard...

I really wish that this option can be addad to the Auria-version of Twin 2...

And, yes, I LOVE Twin 2!


I'm feeling more presets are on their way..




Before I forget, cheers Fabfilter for adding more preset IAP's to Auria Pro for Twin 2!
Appreciated, will get round to them..

Nice when developers hear you!



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