FabFilter User Forum

Auto vs Program Dependant

I keep wondering whether the Auto feature - found on attack, release, etc. Paramaters - are the same as Program Dependant.

Or are they 2 different function?

What is it then?


Hi Cheskie,

I assume you are referring to the FabFilter Pro-C 2 compressor. All algorithms are always program-dependent, meaning that they adapt their behavior to the dynamics of the incoming audio. In addition, the Auto Release feature varies the release time according to the incoming audio, which adds a further degree of program dependency.

The Auto Gain feature simply adds a fixed amount of make-up gain depending on the current Threshold and Ratio settings. This keeps the output level more or less the same while you try different threshold and ratio settings.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks fredrick

So if algorithems are always program dependant, (for example adapting ratio, attack, and release based on the material), what effect does the users move on parameters have?

And why not provide a mode where all moves are rather user dependant?


Hey Cheskie,

I think that each algorithm is programmed to give you basic behavior of program dependency, but still lets you add or subtract a fixed amount of time/ratio to the parameters, according to your needs.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Frederik? :}



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