FabFilter User Forum

cpu usage

I use a lot of ProQ's and ProMB's on my sessions. I normally mix on a Mac Pro but sometimes I need to take that session and play it back in another location on my Macbook Pro. My Macbook Pro has all the same versions of the plugs and versions of ProTools but it still can't match the power of the Mac Pro. Is there anyway to still use all the plugins' but ease up the cpu? I know I have lookahead on and turning that off might help but anything else? I just can't take them off without completely changing the mix. thanks.

Chris Testa

The only other thing I can think of is oversampling in Pro-MB. In my current session with one instance I get: Off->5%, 2x->12%, 4x->21%. Off and Minimum phase (instead of Dynamic) brings it down slightly to 4%, but though I do reduce oversampling for real time and increase it for rendering if necessary, the Minimum vs Dynamic modes sound too different to be practical switching between them and expecting the same result, IMO/E.

Also Pro-Q2 is about twice as CPU efficient as Pro-Q, so it may be worth upgrading. You can open Pro-Q presets in Pro-Q2 no problem, see here:




Thanks for the input. I actually do have ProQ2. I forgot to mention that. It doesn't seem like anything really will bring them down too much more since they are all ready pretty efficient. I wonder if in the future if you had the option to turn off the graphic display once it was set to save more cpu.


The graphic display only uses "spare" CPU cycles and doesn't count towards your audio performance. In addition, if you close the interface after having set the plugin, the display won't use any CPU cycles at all.


Frederik (FabFilter)

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