FabFilter User Forum

So what has FabFilter been up to?

Seems like it's been awhile since any new plugins or updates (outside of bug fixes) have come out.

Can you give us any hints on what you've been working on?

Mr. Man

They have always been secretive. Seems like something just drops out of nowhere lol. I'd imagine we will see one or two new plugins this year, or at least some older ones will get updated.


I'm a pretty new FabFilter customer/user. I just bought the Mastering Bundle. How are update costs usually done? For example, if a Pro-MB 2 plugin drops, is there usually a reduced upgrade price?


@Kip...yes, you will usually see a discounted upgrade offer in your 'my account' section. At least this was the case when I upgraded my pro-q to pro-q2


... we're always working on new exciting stuff, but we never announce any releases in advance :-)

About upgrades: normal, minor updates with bug-fixes and small new features are always free for existing users and fully backwards-compatible.

For major new versions, like Pro-Q 2 or Pro-C 2, there's a good upgrade price for people that own the previous versions!

Floris (FabFilter)

IMO that's great!
Because u always think if i had that plugin than i would be great. And could do your work mutch better.

You should fokus on what u can do with what u have.
Not what future plugins will be released.


Fairly sure they're too busy wearing wooden clogs and yelling ORANJE!

But I could be mistaken... :P

On a more serious note: How many people does FabFilter actually employ? Devs especially.

Torben Andersen

How many people does FabFilter actually employ? Devs especially.

Good question. I would say not more than 7.


Just 2. Floris and Frederik :D


At least 2 is all we see, but they could still have a few people working for them. Perhaps not full time at the office, but more on a "need" basis remotely or some such.

If it really is just the 2 of them, then they have enough on their plates for sure. QA alone is a pain and takes a lot of time, and with FabFilter plug-ins being what they are (sort of industry standard to a degree), the QA is pretty damn important. :P

It might not be information they're willing to share (u-he does though (albeit not about FabFilter, but about u-he ;))), but no harm in asking at least. It gives an insight into what one can realistically expect in terms of new products and such. :)

Torben Andersen

I hope we'll see an analyzing tool from Fabfilter somewhere in the future. Just saying:)


"I hope we'll see an analyzing tool from Fabfilter somewhere in the future. Just saying:)"

Same! I really like Voxengo SPAN but I feel FabFilter could do it better. Seems all the code and GUI stuff is there between Pro-Q 2's spectrum analyzer and Pro-L's metering. Just need to add a correlation meter and some more advanced parameters for fine tweaking the spectrum analyzer tilt, display range, etc. I think one key would be to price it right though. $50 would be reasonable for such a plugin in my opinion (considering SPAN is free).

Mr. Man

Also I'd LOVE to see a Pro-L 2. Pro-L 1 is already so good but I'd gladly pay for an update if any further enhancements can be made to the algorithms. Seems like it's due soon considering Pro-L 1 is 4 years old. Surely between now and then they've figured out some stuff in the code that could be enhanced/improved upon.

Mr. Man

I can't imagine them only having two people, but the pace of their releases would definitely point to that. I think its actually a very bad policy not to announce future releases. For example, if I had the money right now to buy the Flux pure analyzer, and it hit a 50% discount like it did in the past, then I would buy it. BUT, if I knew ahead of time that FF was going to be releasing an analyzer suite in the next year, I would hold off and wait for them. But if I buy the flux, FF wouldn't get my money in that category. I'm a way bigger fan of fabfilter than 99% of other plugin manufacturers, but I'm not a fan of keeping loyal folks in the dark. What's the harm in posting on this forum that So-and-so plugin is in the works? It would let me know to start saving.


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