FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q 2 request: midi learn functionality for band solo buttons

I created a nice layout to control Pro Q 2 with my midi controller but it's always been annoying to me having to click every band solo button with the mouse every time and holding it while I turn the knobs in my controller with the other hand. Just imagine an amazing world in which we can press a solo button (and assign individual buttons per band if we want) in the controller and then use both hands to adjust frequency, Q shape, gain etc, then unsolo, then move on to the next band. I want to live in that world.

Rob R

My wish would be that i could assing one button for next param and another one for pevious. And than only need to assing the controls (freq,q, gain,...) for the active controll. That way it would be easy controlling Q2 with a small midi controller.


Yeah to be honest I'm surprised this isn't already implemented. Assign solo button(s), assign previous/next band buttons. This feels like such a natural thing to be able to assign to a midi controller. It also would be great if the little window that displays the frequency, dB gain and Q would pop up as soon as you move the knobs, especially since the only way to know what you're doing right now is to hover the mouse over each band. Come on Fabfilter team! make it happen please!

Rob R

Sounds like a great idea and we'll definitely consider this for a future Pro-Q update!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thank you Frederik!

Rob R

That would be awesome! Thanks


This thread took the words out of my mouth! i would just add the ability to add a band with a midi assigned button.


- Assign solo button
- Previous/next band buttons
- Display Freq/gain/q parameters when moving knobs
- add band button

I would love to live in that world! i'd never leave my controller, full hands on experience.


Another idea just came to my mind.
One Button that autosorts the control points.
(Keeping the settings just changing tha numbers one upwards left to right.

Or an option that changes the numbers on the fly. When u move the points along each other.


That's a great idea. When do you think you will implement those features?

This topic has almost a year now.


It's on our wish list for future updates but we unfortunately can't do everything at once...


Frederik (FabFilter)

I've made a template for my Minilab MK2 for control 8 bands of EQ and gain, works perfectly. I'm running Q2 under Logic Pro X 10.3.2

Leon M

Is there any plan on implementing these features. I would love to be able to control the selected band with a midi controller.

Jake B

As an owner of the Total Bundle, I'd love to see this happen too!


Would love to see this feature on proQ3 as well.


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