FabFilter User Forum

Logic x crashes upon loading sessions containing Fab Filter Plug ins...

When I work in a session with several fab filter plugins, it will work perfectly but when I try to reopen the same session, it ofter crashes and gives me an error message saying, the session couldnt be opened because of the fab filter plug in in question...

this happens with most of the plugins. Pro Q2, Pro C2, Pro DS, Pro G...

Very annoying as I normally need to open Logic without a session, then disable the plug in in the plug in manager and then reload the session, then re enable the same plug in.

What a pain!!!


We haven't heard of this problem before; can you send a crash log to us by email (use the contact link at the bottom of this page)?


Frederik (FabFilter)

I get the same error message as mentionner 2 years ago by "FR"

I will send the error message to you.


This happened for me every so often but this week it's occurring on a daily basis. Was a solution found?


I have same problem :/
Any solution found? Really anoying :/



We did find a problem that looked like a bug in Logic that could cause a crash like this, and we've added a workaround in our plug-ins so it doesn't trigger that crash anymore. The latest plug-in versions have this fix: www.fabfilter.com/download


Frederik Slijkerman

I have the same problem. Logic Pro 10.4.8, latest PlugIn-version.

There is a workaround: opening Logic, deactivating audio, opening the session, waiting..., reactivating audio. works 3 times out of 4.

where can I send the bug-report?

Matthias Millhoff

Hi guys,

This is a known issue, which seems to be caused by the PACE framework, as used by iLok-protected plug-ins from companies such as SoundToys or Slate. These plug-ins seem to occasionally corrupt the memory space of other plug-ins like ours.

We're working on a workaround to at least avoid crashes until PACE fixes this. Here's a Total Bundle pre-release (64-bit only), which contains plug-in versions that should work properly:


Note: during installation, you can choose 'Customise' to select the plug-ins you would like to install.

IMPORTANT: This is an untested pre-release, which might still contain minor issues or small bugs. If you encounter any problems, do let us know!


Ralph (FabFilter)

Thank you! I'll test and check it out.

The workaround I posted got a little update, sometimes it requred removing the FF plugins while audio engine was off, then enabling audio and then undo until the plugins are baclk. ;)

Matthias Millhoff

Thank you for addressing this issue! I just encountered it for the first time and installed the pre-release above. So happy I can access my projects again


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