FabFilter User Forum

Removing FabFilter from Logic Pro X

My free trial expired and now I wish to completely remove FabFilter from Logic Pro X. I tried deleting it by going to my "Library," but it proved no use — it still appears on all my projects in Logic.


Jimmy McDonald

Hi Jimmy,

To uninstall the plug-ins from your Mac, you can just delete the specific FabFilter plug-in files at the following (system!) Library locations:

/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/
/Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Plug-Ins/

Finally, if you also want to delete all data written by our plug-ins, you can remove the following (user!) Library folders as well:

~/Library/Audio/Presets/FabFilter/FabFilter <plug-in name>
~/Library/Application Support/FabFilter/<plug-in name>
~/Library/Preferences/com.fabfilter.<plug-in name>.<version number>.plist

NOTE: Since OS X 10.7 (Lion), the system and user Library folders are marked as hidden by default. To make them visible again in Finder, open Terminal (found in /Applications/Utilities/) and enter the following commands:

chflags nohidden /Library
chflags nohidden ~/Library

Floris (FabFilter)

Hi Jimmy

I'm pretty sure that you will still see the plug-in names in your Logic Mixer inserts after de-installation. An exclamation mark will tell you they're no longer available but if you want them gone from the Mixer inserts, you have to remove the insert as with any other plug-in.



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