FabFilter User Forum

IOS AudioUnit

Any plans on releasing your plugins as AudioUnits for IOS?


It's an interesting possibility for sure, but we have no immediate plans. Staying tuned. :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)

I'm waiting for this too !
I know that your plugins are available on the Auria Pro app (which I own) but I'd love to see them as apps with audio unit support (auv3) for use them with other AU comptible apps, I don't like the Auria Pro implementation.
So please, release them !


Is there any update on releasing your software as AUv3s? I believe that limiting your iOS availability to Auria Pro must be limiting your business. There are so many more apps, and therefore users on iOS that could benefit from your amazing plugins.



iOS Audio Unit [AUv3] versions of all your plugins/synths are very much needed and overdue. (AU is going/growing strong now)

I would Love to hear a proper yes or no from the FF Guys.
I have bought all of the Fabs and would like to get more use out of them (via other apps/setups).

Unless you have made some deal for restricting them/yourselves, I can't see how you would not want to have and satisfy all those waiting customers. :)




iOS is steadily becoming a legitimate prospect to make serious music. Either as a standalone system or part of a more established hardware and desktop setup. Apps like Cubasis, AUM and now Audiobus 3 along with key software like Ableton Link and a stream of seriously talented developers are pushing the platform's limits far beyond where they were just 18 months ago. Surely FabFilter needs to be a bigger part of this "revolution"?


We don't have an exclusive deal for Auria; it's just that developing stand-alone plug-ins for iOS is a significant amount of work so we're still undecided on that. We have a lot of work to do on other stuff as well! :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)

That's a shame. But I guess you guys know your priorities.


I have been holding off on purchasing the fabfilter stuff in auria for some time. I really want to but it's been hard to stop myself at times.
The main reason being that if for whatever reason one day update support gets dropped for auria, since they are a small team focussed on one platform, and this happens quite allot with apps on iOS, my fabfilter plugins would disappear along with it.
Audio units 3 from a company established on various platforms would give me more piece of mind. With the sugarbytes plugins wow and tornado you get the auria version also which gives me more reassurance, with the added bonus of inter app usage they will be my next purchase for sure. If ever the fabfilter stuff goes audio unit they will be on the very top of my purchase list as the plugins are quite simply some of the best. I might pick them up if they are ever on sale one at a time but I really want to buy them all at once for iOS AU shame. I guess apple should be offering more incentives for companies to port to AU 3 it's quite frustrating.


Hey Frederik,

Yes we/I can understand the effort it must take to develop for iOS.
Undecided is still encouraging..

Look! You Guys are one on the best at what you do (many say the best). I Love your stuff and really appreciate it being on iOS (at some level). But I feel I'm not getting my full value anymore. Because I'm restricted.
I can't speak for everyone, but I will always speak for myself. "I need your plugins in all of my projects!".
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate them in Auria/Pro very very much! but again "I need your plugins in all of my projects!"..

I appreciate you have other things going on (without a doubt) and that everything takes time... (no, there's no 'but')
I get it!

Maybe you Guys shouldn't have made such brilliant plugins.. haha. I'm sure you knew there would be days/customers likes these ;)

We just see that the iOS platform is Pro level (fully) and we want the best of the best. (There is a big demand !)

Fabfilter stuff is bench mark for many many may developers.

Even 1 a year would be better than none. Pro-Q2 would sell out, if that's possible - Hehe - you know what I mean..
Certain thing are not even about money, but about time.

If you think of having them all ported/converted, it may be a put off. Q2 and C2 in the App Store, wow. I know you would get demands for the rest, but that's just because of their greatness. Don't worry about standalone, just AUv3.

I hope I've sweet talked you a little :-)

I just write what/how I feel.

Regardless still, keep the great work flowing. ;)



Hi Frederik,
if your still undecided wether you should do AUv3 Plug-ins for iOS, here is my word: Please do it, at least the pro-q2 and pro-c2! It would be a major step to help to make iOS a professional music platform, since there are no good EQs and compressors around at the moment. Now with the new iPad pros it absolutely has the cpu power to do so.


I'm the biggest FF fan! But, if Fabfilter want to be a part of the future of iOS music making, then AU is the way to do it. Auria is great. But unlimited live use of the Pro series is what's required. And running Auria, just to add an FF EQ etc, is impractical. And it makes a project more prone to crashes etc. if trying to run Auria simply to gain access to the FF Pros! Many iOS musicians begin a project in AUM. And that's where FF plugs are needed.


By the way, there are those who know, and those who don't...iOS is the most rapidly developing branch of electronic music computing. The wise will want to embrace a market beyond so called 'studio producers'. It will pay you back financially. Mark my words. 7-) Charging again for AU versions. Perhaps with a discount for people who purchased via Auria. People like me who've depended on Fabfilter to record albums in iOS.


I would very much like this also!

Geert Bevin

Hi, Yes please enable your plugins as AUv3. It would do so much for the platform. Also now that iOS 11 allows full screen AU support the time is right.


Adding my vote! I have bought almost all of your plugins in Auria Pro, but I'd buy them again if I could use them as Audio Units in other apps!

(Although I wouldn't complain if there was a discount for people who already purchased them in Auria!)

The Art We Breathe

As an avid FabFilter user on all of my desktop projects, I can say having them on iOS would change a lot of things to make this platform a seriously professionnal tool to create music. Please make the port to AUv3 !!


Would love to use your plugins outside of Auria, would pay the same price as the iap

Audio Units

+1 for AuV3 fab filters. I have purchased majority of them in Auria Pro, they are amazingly good, but you know that. Would be nice to use them with other apps and would definitely open up, with Ableton, Korg and Moog all dipping their toes in iOS it is definitely not going to be a niche market for much longer


FabFilters as iOS AUv3 plugins would be nothing short of amazing! The FabFilters, of which I own them all (and also bought them on Desktop based on my iOS experience), were my main reason for purchasing Auria Pro on iOS, but I sorely miss them when using other apps and in situations when it isn't sensible to load up Auria. Please do this! :)

Mathias Hellquist

You guys would make a killing if you made these AU for ios! Mobile IPad recording is the way of the future and the future is here!


Thanks to consider the need of iOS musicians to be able to use your wonderful plugins as AUv3. I currently use them with Auria but I would be so happy to have them in AUM for live usage.

Fil Ipo

FabFilters are really amazing, definitely the best plugins in IOS, but unfortunately only available inside Auria Pro. I'm an Auria Pro user and got most of your plugins, but there are so many people that don't use Auria Pro and would love to use them inside Cubasis, AUM, Audiobus, and many other platforms.
Please reconsider your decision, I guess that most of the porting job must have been done because they are already working in IOS, you just need to release them as Audio Units (as other well known companies are doing).
I would buy them again without hesitating for a second!

Rodolfo Ruiz

Its about time that these plugin from Auria get AU support, +1000 for this to happen.

Francis DaSilva

Oh, absolutely! Would buy them all immediately.


Make these AU plug ins and I and many, many others will buy them immediately.
I have no interest in buying them to use in Auria, as I don't use Auria! It's not my cup of tea.
Surely as these are already coded for iOS, it isn't a big stretch to make them a standalone AU?

Def Robot

Dear Fabfilter team,

Please support AU on iOS! I am a long user & love using your plugins on Windows & inside Auria...now I want to use them in Aum & Beatmaker3!

Thanks for reading, wishing you all the best :)


I would love to purchase the FabFilter plugins if I could use them in BeatMaker 3. I only have the headspace for one DAW so not looking to use Auria Pro.

Ta very muchly.

Gus Granite

I've read so many fabulous comments about the quality of the fabfilter plugins. I'm never going to buy them for use only in Auria Pro. I just won't limit the use of a purchase like that. However, will purchase on day 1 of release as an AUv3 plug. Guaranteed. Really hope you will consider it.

Number 37

Would love to be a fly on the wall in the development team meetings where this topic comes up. Development staffing, QA, legal, support, etc. and all of the associated costs on a wider scale outside of the Auria Pro silo. A decision to move in that direction (AU) is a bet on the IOS platform, absolutely.

Me personally, I think it's a safe one given the artists who are using it such as Pharrell Williams and Steve Lacy (GarageBand) and the popularity of AU host apps like GB, AUM, Modstep and now BeatMaker 3, which people were literally camped out overnight in a virtual line awaiting it's release in the App Store on July 15. FF plugins in AU format would undoubtedly receive the same enthusiasm and cash.

I'm willing to bet someone else's money that profit margins would jump if the plugins moved to AU. Count me amongst those who would pay again for the benefit after having already purchased them within AP. AP doesn't run on my phone, but AU plugins do as well as GB, AUM and BM3 (when the iPhone version is released). Easy re-purchase.


I'm all for getting the Fabfilter plugins as AUs on my iPad as well. Nothing can top them! I'm willing to pay the same amount of money I paid in Auria Pro again so I can have them in other iPad DAWs. :)


Have bought all the plugs, would buy them again as AU, along with lots of other people.


would absolutely buy again as AUv3!!!


I have to agree: these should be Audio Units.

However, I have already bought the plugins in Auria. I would feel ripped off buying duplicates to run side-by-side as Audio Units on the same device.


FF either as AU, or available for other IOS apps the way they work in Auria Pro would be fantastic.


Yes, FF plugins as AU for general iOS would buy the lot


I bought most of them in Auria Pro but i'd be happy to buy them again as AU so i can use them in any host on iOS

Jonas Nielsen

+1 would love to see these as AUv3's!


I also would gladly invest in iOS Audio Unit implementations

David Ai

I'm already onboard with Auria, but I'd love to have AUv3 versions available on iOS


I have most of the Fabfilter plugins on iOS Auria pro but would love these to be ported to AU3 as myself and many others I know use Auria to finish projects but begin creating and mangling sound in other apps. iOS is already viable in regards to full song creation and things will only get better considering the power of each iteration of iPad and iPhone.
Come on Fabfilter the water is warm jump in.


Port them, or the kitten gets it!!! :-)

Seriously, I promise to buy them if you do it, and I imagine vast numbers of the IOS community will do likewise.


Please port your plugins to AUV3 for iOS - I will buy if you do!


Pretty please audio unit on iOS!!!

Texan toaster

I too think that this would be a most excellent idea. Being tied into Auria to use these fine plugins can be somewhat frustrating on iOS.


Yes please.




I think if you upgraded to AU, it would allow people to appreciate and utilize your apps for the sake of Fab Filter itself, rather than being perceived as simply an effect native to Auria. I think you would attract a whole new demographic of users and spread the knowledge of how super the Fab Filters are compared to anything else, for iOS users everywhere. That perception has been skewed by tying your apps to Auria exclusively. Please consider the benefits to your brand.


I think if you upgraded to AU, it would allow people to appreciate and utilize your apps for the sake of Fab Filter itself, rather than being perceived as simply an effect native to Auria. I think you would attract a whole new demographic of users and spread the knowledge of how super the Fab Filters are compared to anything else, for iOS users everywhere. That perception has been skewed by tying your apps to Auria exclusively. Please consider the benefits to your brand.


Definitely do this.

Things are converging on AU as a standard in iOS leaving people hungry for serious plugins to use in any DAW or with AUM. The market will only grow as the devices increase in power and if you are among the early adopters it should be worth the time and resources invested.


Definitely do this.

Things are converging on AU as a standard in iOS leaving people hungry for serious plugins to use in any DAW or with AUM. The market will only grow as the devices increase in power and if you are among the early adopters it should be worth the time and resources invested.


I think you'd be pleasantly surprised with your iOS sales. The AU is a solid standard with no competition that reaches your level of quality. You would also be bringing in a crop of new customers to your brand, who may go on to use your products on desktop from trust and familiarity. Keep in mind that just because iOS customers have already bought your plugins fir Auria does not mean we would not buy them again for AU versions.

Justin K

Amazing plugins that I cannot use now, AS I'm not using Auria. AUv3 versions would be more than welcome!!


PRO-Q 2 as an AU on my iPad would be a dream come true! :)

Dean Daughters

Haven't purchased these in Auria...I would definitely buy them if they were AUv3 as this makes them infinitely more useful to me being mainly a ModStep AUM and Cubasis user


I'd love to see AU versions of these amazing plugins!


Love the fabfilter plugins in Auria, bought them all, they are the only reason I use Auria tbh... would love the opportunity to use them as Audio Units in the rest of IOS


We hear you guys! :)


Frederik (FabFilter)

Would buy these just to wipe the smug smile off those A****

..plus I admit they do look quite tasty.


I would also love for your excellent plugins to be more freely usable across many IOS apps in AU format . Thanks .

Wally Blo

Never seen a comparable active thread.
Is this a campain by Apple?

I don't understand the trend to smaller devices for production.


AU and mobile music is the present and the futur. Please give AU to FF to bring even more greatness to the adventure


Would love to see these plug-ins on iOS in au form. I've always thought it was a shame that you guys decided to lock yourself into the sand box of auria. It would be smart to bring them to iOS as regular audio units anyway as they have to be re-designing for desktop as AUv3 in the future at some point or be left behind for lack of backwards compatibly.


IOS AU is definitely a way to go. Embrace the future!


Seriously, id just throw a pile of money at you guys if youd give us fabfilter as an AUv3. Auria pro is nice but Beatmaker is king.


Especially want Twin 2 iOS AU. Would definitely buy it again in that format and probably everything else eventually.


Would love to use your plugins in cubasis and the upcoming Nanostudio 2. They sound fantastic, but I like to keep everything in one app when writing. I would certainly invest in them if they weren't exclusive to Auria. Fingers crossed!

Ian Sainsbury

Please make the Fab Filters work in other ios apps other than (the amazing) Auria.

Much love x


+1 for AUv3.... we don't want all the the plugins..just comp,eq and reverb will do....


Please port your plugs to iOS auv3

Mic Gee$

Count me among those who would love to see Fabfilter plug-ins (especially Pro-Q2) as AUv3 on iOS. The new iPad Pros really give a glimpse into the future of mobile computing in many areas, especially for interactive music and art applications.


Count me in too to the iOS community that wants Fabfilter to make AUv3-versions of the amazing Fabfilter plugins!

Have bought them all into Auria Pro to my iPad Pro, but, it would be nice to have the option to use them in all areas into the system...

I’m happily buying them one more time - they are that good!!!

Erik Lindblom

I am dying for PRO-Q as an AU plug-in that I can run on iPad - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE


Dean Daughters

++ I have many of your pluggins for desktop
Would be great to have at least Pro-Q 2 (especially with spectrum analyser) and Pro-C 2 for ios Au3 and also reverb if possible.


Maybe actually the DS would be most usefull to have ios, it is by far the best I have used. And the most missed tool in cubasis.


100% yes on this! Love your plugins on desktop version and I've been using the total bundle for years and an iOS port would really be nothing short of amazing!


Yes please! I’ve been using and testing all iOS DAWs for years, and honestly it seems like this partnership doesnt match:

Fabfilters are among the best, maybe the best on iOS. Auria Pro crashes so much, ugly interface, not really compatible with the best like Korg and many others.

Cubasis 2 and now Beatmaker 3 are so much better and versatile and thats the only thing keeping me from getting all fabfilters. Been trying to work with Auria Pro but its so frustrating that Im going back to great Cubasis and stay there, hoping to see you guys popping around as AU there.

THAT WOULD BE MASSIVE, thousands of people on the line already, cmon! :)


Long time FabFilter customer here. AUv3 is the real deal. Auria Pro is not going to happen for me as GarageBand for iOS integrates directly with Logic Pro X— while now providing both linear and non-linear DAW workflows. FabFilter EQ in AUv3 format would be perfect.


The whole FabFilter suite has been my go-to solution for most of my DSP needs. I also love the ports onto iOS as part of Auria, which I have gladly added to my portable setup. Kudos for making them look and sound exactly as the desktop version. However, I agree that AUv3 would be a much more general solution, especially as I have moved away from Auria to Beatmaker 3, a superior platform imo.
If the issue is pricing competition with your desktop versions, perhaps you could at least offer them as an add-on only for licensed owners of the desktop version. Would be a nice way to support your loyal customer basis.

Also, kudos on the Pro-R! What a lush sound. So far I had to reach for the Strymon Big Sky to get there. Well done!

liquid air

I hope we see something in terms of AUv3 from FF this coming year. iOS is becoming a serious prospect for music making with more people taking advantage of the Pro iPad’s capabilities, the mobile convenience and touch interface. And Auria Pro is being left behind since Beatmaker 3 came along, and now Cubasis and Garage Band have upped their game. iOS is the fastest growing platform for music production. Come on FabFilter, now is the time to join the party!



Make the filters available in Garageband on the iPad!


Hello you guys at Fabfilters,

You are probably making the best filters out there and yes, they are Fab!

At this present time, many iOS musicians would like to use them, without the constraints, or obligations of using Auria Pro.

Many iOS musicians are using AUM, or other alternatives in their setups, partly due to both its reliability & flexibility. The majority of these would purchase a suite of fabfilters to use in conjunction with it, or what ever iOS workstation configuration they have.

A change of business model from being locked into one application would be advantageous for the musician and Fabfilters.

Why you may ask? Simple, the majority would pay near VST desktop prices for your filter suite as iOS AUs so that they could use as a flexible toolbox on any DAW configuration. This would contribute in growing your customer base.

Thanks for listening, best regards,


I’m really hoping that Fabfilter can finally bring the best mastering plug ins to the world of iOS, outside our friend Auria. There are frequent times when I record in AUM and I’m desperate for Fabfilter Pro Q2 etc. Timed when Auria will add uneccesarily to my processors workload. So I just cannot use Auria at those times. Fingers crossed!


I use Fabfilters in AuriaPro and Auria. I think their awesome and would love to have them as AUv3 too. AUM is my preferred recording app for many reasons and while I would use Fabfilter mostly as AUv3, I do see use as a stand-alone app as well.

I bought a few on sale in December (thanks for that). But considering I’ve bought some of them twice already for iOS I would not to want to see a similar price point as the AuriaPro versions.

Frozen Lonesome

Hi FabFilter,

To put it simply, the plugins you have offered to iOS have been bloody marvellous! As a Music Performance University student at the time (Vocals), the whole world of iOS Music Production fascinated me, to the point where I made my whole topic for my final assessments about using iOS in the creation and performance of contemporary music.

At that time, I loved using Auria Pro, loved the interface, and especially loved the fact that I could use the high-end, professional level FabFilter plugins!

But now, I have made many purchases of different iOS DAWs and instruments and effects and I'm starting to deviate away from Auria Pro, but I want to hold on for the FabFilters so badly!

PLEASE, make these into AUv3, as the ability to use these plugins universally will make an additional purchase worthwhile by far, to have full professional control over every sound in every app of choice.

P.S. If this does come about, will there be some kind of discount for the people who've purchased the Auria Pro versions? I know it's cheeky, but can't blame a bit for trying!

Curtis Lavender

I don’t think FabFilter are listening. They’ve obviously done their homework and worked out that this wouldn’t be worth their effort. It’s strange, though, because Chris at AudioDamage says his iOS AUv3 plug-ins sell four times as many as his desktop versions. Though they are sold at a quarter of the price, the money is about the same; thus doubling his sales income from each plugin. Maybe FF will find a way some day.


I’m not letting this issue go away. Look at the interest, FabFilter folks. It’s the most popular topic on your forum!


Release the Fabfilter iOS AUv3 plug-ins!


Release the kraken! Or at least the eq, comp & limiter ios au.
I promise to buy two of each ;)


please please please! a proper compressor and eq is what's needed most on ios.
i'de love to use the q2, c2 and l2 in AUM!

richie hawtin

... will look into this soon guys!

Floris (FabFilter)

We NEED AUV3 on all FabFilter plugins sure we use them in Auria
but we should heve more freedom since the technology is available


Floris said; "... will look into this soon guys!"

That has put a smile on my face, and in my heart. :)

You know it makes sense!




I am a iOS Fabflter fan. I dont even know how to use them but just looking at that beautiful interface makes me happy.
AU 4 Q2!


We're listening guys!

Floris (FabFilter)

Thank you guys! Can’t wait to use Pro-Q2 as AU in IOS!!!


Thanks! One important note: Pro-Q 2 doesn't work -yet- in Garageband on iPad. This is due to the fact that GaragaBand did not support Audio Units with MIDI support yet. However, we are in close contact with the Garageband team and they are working on a soon-to-be-released update!

Floris (FabFilter)

This is awesome news. Hopefully the GarageBand update will come quickly!!


I would like to say, cheers very much to the FabFilter Guys!

You have been listening a long time it seems :p

Cheers Guys!




Fantastic news, FabFilter guys! I'm really hoping for Timeless, Volcano, and Twin next!


Here is a rough 'next-list' (for me).
Was gonna post it earlier, but didn’t want to mix it to close to my appreciation.

Pro-Q 2
Pro-C 2
Timeless 2
Volcano 2

Pro-L 2

Twin 2




^ 100th reply..

Thread has power, coz we’re/it’s (Pro-q 2) is here ;)



Is there a discount or crossgrade for Auria pro owners of these plugins ?.


Nah! Unfortunately not.

Apple ting.

But Sugar Bytes has some kind of magic going on though, where Turnado and Wow show up in Auria, after buying the standalone. The other way should be possible, it’s just 1s and 0s at Apples workplace.



Ye I guess that really should be implemented as an update within auria, I’ve spent quite allot on these already can’t see me spending the same money on the same app to use on the same platform. Maybe Apple should address this for example opening the report a problem for these purchases made within auria to claim a credit to purchase the AU3 version. Issues like this, no resale of apps and constant changing of ports on hardware leading to the mess of expensive dongles on iOS is making me really consider moving back to a laptop for production. I feel like I’m pissing in the wind and pissing money away on IOS lately.
A shame I really love fabfilter Stuff. Good on them for porting the plugs to AU3.



How about our Auria IAP receipts/invoices from Apple?

We send them to you and you send us a code.
Computers will take care of the math..

I’m ok-ish with it, but obviously would rather not pay twice.

Q 2 is not even the higher price ones.

(If you don’t ask, you don’t know)




Or implement some kind of code, and attach to the Auria versions, that they CVAKIautomatically give us the AUv3 versions.

Many ways etc..



Ye I was just checking my invoices and thinking this. I have PRO Q, PRO R, PRO C and timeless. I also would probs rather not be paying for these all again over time. I know these are considerably cheaper than the desktop alternatives but with them you get both PC and Mac OS and resale licence transfer. And I don’t make money from music.


Yep, what can we do.
I have all except Pro-L 2.

I’m cool however, but think about the children, FabFilter, think about the children :p

What will be will be!

You guys are fab!




You did it! Exactly one year to the day from my post above.

Just made my Q2 AU purchase, as promised. Congrats FabFilter - this is a huge turn for iOS.



Has FabFilter announced whether there will or will not be a discount on AU plugins for previous owners of VST (desktop) and Auria (iOS) plugins? Should we wait to purchase AUv3 until this is cleared up?

Joe Bowbeer

Hi all,

We would love to be able to integrate AUv3 purchases with Auria in-app purchases, and with our regular shop, but Apple simply doesn't let us do it. We don't know who purchased the in-app plug-ins for Auria, and we don't know who purchased the AUv3 plug-in either: Apple doesn't give us that information. It also doesn't help to send us your receipts because we can't give a discount to selected users as we would normally do.

This is unfortunately how the App Store works and there's nothing we can do about it. Compensating for this though, is the fact that our plug-ins on iOS are very attractively priced!

Note again that if you are using Auria, there's no reason to migrate from Auria's in-app plug-ins: we will continue to support and update these of course.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Just wanted to know when Fab team can update this we need that love the plug-ins keep them coming thx

Frederick said: ...”and we don't know who purchased the AUv3 plug-in either”

That’s interesting, I/we/some of us thought it was just the IAP customers you were unaware of, but.. hmm..

(Apple!) got to Love them..


Okay, big question!

Which one is next to be released, so we know what to save for ;)




I guess the biggest draw to auria was the fabfilter stuff, it was for me anyways. What would happen if wavemachine stops development since I guess they won’t be selling so many apps or IAP’s now. I realise this is an Apple issue but It’s stuff like this that exposes IOS as not a serious platform. I’m moving back to Laptop will still support fabfilter as a dev though as I love the stuff they do.


Is there a reason that Sugar Bytes plugins bought separately (AUv3 plugins) are unlocked automatically in Auria Pro, but FabFilter’s Pro Q 2 isn’t?


Hi Sam,

I wouldn't know about Sugar Bytes plug-ins, but if you buy the AUv3 version of Pro-Q 2, you can just use that in Auria Pro. It works more or less the same as the built-in plug-in that you buy via an in-app purchase.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hey Frederik,
Thanks for the reply. That's logical enough of course, but the performance of the Auria native units is far superior to the Audio Units. If it's something that is possible, I'd like to request a similar mechanism where purchasing the AU version unlocks the Auria version.

Sugar Byes Turnado for example is an AU app, which when purchased becomes unlocked in Auria to run in Auria's native plugin format. This allows for a lot more stability and performance in that environment.

Otherwise, I can imagine a situation happening where the only people with access to the Auria versions of the FabFilter plugins are 'legacy' users who previously purchased them before they were available as AU (it is logical to buy the AU version and not Auria if you don't already own the app).

Either way, thanks for making awesome tools that sound great and are a pleasure to use.


Hey, so... great teasing so far, but any hints on what’s next and when? :)

Really looking forward to more releases. Pro Q is really a great start, and I’m really happy with the performance on an iPad Pro. How about a Pro C or Pro R? Or maybe your essentials bundle at least www.fabfilter.com/shop/essentials-bundle ?


@Sam: We'll look into it!

@Victor: I can't promise any specific release dates but we are eager to port more plug-ins to iOS.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Ill definitely +1 ALL OF THESE VOTES for Ios FaBfilter AuV3's.. Ive already purchased all of theme through Auria Pro and it is such a hassle at times when needing to use one of your amazing PLUGINs but having to go through Auria Pro, with the risk of crashing.. It would be so much more convenient to be able to use them inside other host or as stand alone... Also a discount for the loyal fans who've purchased them time and time again as well as paying for the upgraded versions would be immensely appreciated to us starving artist. either way, I thank you for what you have already considered which has completely changed my way of producing via iOS. I have learned so much through your beautiful plugins and am eager to see more come to the app store via a FaBfilter Develepor!?! Best wishes


Klevgrand has provided a lot of plugins pertaining to equalizer, compression, etc. They are pretty freakin good (especially REAMP, GotoEQ and Grand Finale) as far as having their plugins ported/coded for iOS and desktop. It's like they have a plugin coming out every month!
I must admit I love their product but I would rather have the L2 (or if L3 is on the way) and the Pro Q3 on the iPad. I love them both on the desktop (Mac)! Keep up the great work on the plugins.


Hi guys, it’s been a while now and we are eagerly waiting for the IOS AUv3 version of all your plugins.
With the powerful new iPads, most DAWs in IOS have evolved a lot over the past few months (Cubasis as an example, or modular mixers like AUM) and some new ones like StageLight and Nano Studio 2 are attracting most users because of their innovative UI/UX and modern capabilities. At the same time most former Auria users are switching to new DAWs because Wavemachine Labs seems to have stopped their development (or at least any fix can take several months) and their users support is almost nonexistent at this time. So the need for high quality plugins like yours is becoming more and more critical every day for using in other DAWs as mentioned.

There are some rumors about Pro-Q3 coming to Auria, but... what if you guys better release Timeless 2 as AUv3? Pro R? Pro C2? Pro L2? You get the idea...

Please guys, we really need you in IOS.


Hi Rodolfo,

We're on it!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thank you Frederik! This is really good news! I can’t wait!


Oh yes.2019 can’t get any better

Paa ko

Fab filter plugins as Auv3 would be great for my workflow!


We need "Big names" in iOS scene...and you have it all!!!


Great news can’t wait to try this!!
thanks to fabfilter





Hi :)
Will there be an upgrade path for Pro-Q 2 to Pro-Q 3 on iOS (AUv3)
Just wondered on your plans here, you can upgrade in Auria, but it's a bit more tricky on the app store...


Hi Audiot,

Unfortunately, Apple does not offer the technical possibility of upgrades or crossgrades.

Pro-Q 3 will be released as a separate plug-in and separate purchase in the iOS app store, but we will probably use a highly discounted introduction price to ease the pain a bit... Fortunately, the overall price point on the iOS platform is very low already.


Floris (FabFilter)

Hi Floris,
If Pro-Q 3 is a separate plugin then you do actually have a way to allow Pro-Q2 owners to have an exclusive upgrade price by using the iOS AppStore "bundle" option.

If you were to release an app bundle with Pro-Q 2 and Pro-Q 3, for $40 for example, then existing Pro-Q 2 owners would be able to purchase that bundle for $10 (if they originally bought Pro-Q 2 for $30).
This is because Apple discounts bundles by the amount a user has paid toward previous purchase of any of the apps in the bundle if you own one of the apps already.

For those who have not yet purchased either app, the bundle is clearly unneeded since the price would be more than just purchasing Pro-Q 3 at regular price.

Thanks for making the iOS port! I must say I am looking forward to giving FabFilter lots of my moneys as more iOS apps are made :-)


Hi hymnotix,

Very interesting; we didn't realize that we could use the bundle option in this way. We will explore this option...

Floris (FabFilter)

Great news. Can't wait to buy them all.

Hans JB

Timeless 2. ... (etc..) ... (C2)
.. or if there are 3's, those 1st.
Cheers &

Bless Up!



I’m a new Auria Pro user. Thinking of buying Q2. Is there any difference between the in-app purchase and the AUv3.?


Hi Jeff,

The AUv3 version can be used in any AUv3 host app, while the in-app version can only be used in Auria. Both versions work exactly the same!


Floris (FabFilter)

Thanks Floris, I have read elsewhere that some may have problems saving setting and maybe not being able to see everything, lack of full screen in the AUv3 version.

True or is this a non issue in Auria?


The in-app plug-ins in Auria offer a built-in resize control, just like the Mac and Windows plug-ins. The AUv3 plug-in is resized by grabbing the resize widget that Auria provides in the frame around the plug-in interface. So both can be resized to any size.


Frederik Slijkerman

I’d like to use your Plugins as Au3 outside Auria!



Hey FF,

Very excellent on the 7 new AUv3 in the AppStore. Bravo!


2 questions:

1. How does the (Q) bundle work? not seeing it yet..

2. Are Timeless 2 and Saturn etc, almost ready? Or will it be a long wait? I would rather spend my money with them first (excluding Pro-C2, which is a must).




Ya done did it! Thanks for blessing iOS with these.


Congrats on the new IOS plugs. You guys are already tops - these releases just solidify that position, while further legitimizing music production on this platform. Respect.


I was one of the first to urge you to release your plugins on iOS. I’ve just bought the lot! Congratulations and keep up the great work.


> How does the (Q) bundle work? not seeing it yet..

It should be available now! When you own Pro-Q 2 AUv3 already, its price should be deducted from the Pro-Q 3 upgrade bundle, so that you pay about 50%.

> Are Timeless 2 and Saturn etc, almost ready? Or will it be a long
> wait? I would rather spend my money with them first (excluding
> Pro-C2, which is a must).

We've focused on the Pro plug-ins first, and haven't started converting Saturn and Timeless yet. Converting a plug-ins to the AUv3 format is not a simple re-compile; it's quite a lot of work, especially adjusting the interface and workflow. So ... don't expect Saturn and Timeless AUv3s soon!

Floris (FabFilter)

And thanks everyone for the compliments! :)


Frederik (FabFilter)

Floris and Frederik and FabFilter.

Cheers very much for the replies!


Ok kool, so it looks like I'll be getting the full 'Pro' suite later.. sweet!

Compliments to the chef(s)

And the bundles are some of the best bargains on iOS, relative to the plug-in's prices, nicely done!


I'm sure you guys know exactly what you have done for this platform, with these AUv3 releases.

... You have opened a door..

Cheers Guys

The future is now!



P.S. already bought C2 last night, to join Q2 (couldn't wait for the bundle) and its working as it should.

Lovely Jubbly.


Bought the bundle!

Thanks much for doing this, I hope that it is worth the trouble...

I'll buy Timeless, Volcano & Saturn too, whenever they're converted!

Claude Lucas

Thank you so much for the new plugins! Pro L is blowing my mind and Pro R is right on it’s heels!

There does seem to be an issue with Pro Q3 not responding properly when reloading a session saved in AUM, Cubasis or BM3. For some reason you cannot edit parameters and hear changes unless you save the settings as a preset and then reload the preset.


My workaround for this ^ Q3 bug (at the moment) is to:

1. Add a new band (if you have any available).

2. Move the new band around a bit.

3. Click Q3’s built-in Undo.

Suddenly! the previously adjusted sound levels kick in, and I’m able to make changes as normal.

(Not ideal, but that’s what bugs have you doing)..



Thanks King, better than my workawork! :)


"Thanks King, better than my workawork! :)


No worries!


Folks, in fact you can skip number 1, and just move a node, then undo.




Upgrade to Auria Pro Q3 - Auria


Are there any plans to make available an upgrade path available for Auria Pro Q2 users just like IOS users?
.. some love for Auria users too?


I am to experiencing the Pro Q3 bug in iOS.

None of your work in every single instance of Pro Q3 saves on project reload. You have to do / undo every single instance of Q3 you have in a project to be able to hear your work and make changes again. This is every single time you open / close a project in iOS in any ios daw :(

I hope its fixed soon. I purchased the new ios bundle yesterday and loving all the filters !

Glenn Iversen

We just submitted a new 3.13 build for Pro-Q 3 to the App Store that fixes the problem when loading saved sessions. Hopefully it will be approved and released very soon.

Unfortunately there is no way for us to make reduced-price upgrades available for Auria users. We simply can't do an upgrade path here because as far as the App Store is concerned, these are two completely different and unrelated products. Like I wrote in another thread, the App Store provides great privacy for end users, but very little flexibility for developers. This is one of the reasons that we are pricing our iOS plug-ins way below our Mac/PC offerings.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I was thinking on the lines of ProL2 where in there was an upgrade path available.. in Auria it was called Pro L2 upgrade


The app store just updated the Q3 app. Everything appears to be working great now with Q3 and the bundle.

Thanks for the fast fix ! Thanks to the programmers for bringing the fab filter suite to AUv3 on ios. I eagerly await any new filters to arrive on ios platform and will of course purchase as soon as they are ready.

For us old timers who tracked to analog tape back in the day its amazing seeing this level of tools available on ios. The very same fab filter tools as on the desktop computers. :)

Glenn Iversen

@LuisC: Unfortunately we can't offer an upgrade path from the Auria in-app plug-ins to the new AUv3 plug-ins. We don't want to offer Pro-Q 3 as a new in-app plug-in in Auria at this point because the future on iOS is clearly AUv3. We will keep supporting the Auria in-app plug-ins to make sure that they will keep working for users who bought them for some time.


Frederik (FabFilter)

@Frederik what you are saying is .. Proq3 itself won’t be offered in Auria store ? And that we are encouraged to buy Auv3 version which be IOS ONLY


That’s exactly what @Frederik is saying. The AUv3 plugins work perfectly in any IOS host, including Auria Pro. The advantage of buying an AU plugin is precisely that one, it will work on virtually any DAW on IOS and not limited to one platform only.



Cubasis and AUM just got way better with this awesome bundle. (I’m using a iPad Pro)

Keep up the good work!


Still loving these plugins on iOS. However I feel compelled to start the official nagging for Twin on iOS/Auv3

Let the nagging begin? :-)


I’ve been using Auria Pro for a while, but have taken a great liking to BeatMaker 3 and am thrilled to see that my favorite plugins are now available as AUv3. That is, all except the indispensable Saturn and Timeless. Can you please tell us that these will be ported soon as well?
The pricing is a steal, to be honest. It would be nice, though, if you could do something for your loyal customers that have VST and Auria, and AUv3 versions. I’m actually contemplating to use the iPad Pro as an FX DSP via Studiomux. Please, the creative bundle next!

liquid air

Hi liquid air,

We'll create AUv3 versions of our creative plug-ins at some point, but not in the near future I'm afraid...

Unfortunately there is no way for us to make reduced-price upgrades available for Auria users. We simply can't do an upgrade path here because as far as the App Store is concerned, these are two completely different and unrelated products. Like I wrote in another thread, the App Store provides great privacy for end users, but very little flexibility for developers. This is one of the reasons that we are pricing our iOS plug-ins way below our Mac/PC offerings.


Floris (FabFilter)


Any plans for iPhone compatibility of the current AUv3 offerings?



Yep that would be amazing! Even if the controls are a little bit small it would be worth it. The Tonebossters stuff for iPhone is also a bit fiddly but worth it. Would be awesome to see Pro-Q make it's way to iPhone.


Just checking in on this thread to see if there is any update on a timeframe for Saturn, Volcano, Timeless being released as AUv3. It would be great to match my workflow on iPad with that on my main DAW.


As an owner of the Fabfilter FX bundle, am I able to access the AUv3 versions of the plugin on my iPad? Paying again for these plugins would bankrupt me.


Hi guys,

We would sure love to make an iOS version of Saturn and Timeless as well, but there's also a lot of other things we'd like to do. Unfortunately we can't promise if or when they will be released.

Our iOS products have to be sold through Apple's App Store. Unfortunately there is no way to link this to the system we use for our computer users. Besides that we think the Pro bundle for the iOS is already reasonably priced.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Any update on Twin and One coming to iOS?


We don't have any immediate plans, but we do want to make at least Twin available at some point.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Fantastic work on Timeless 3. Will we see an AUv3 release ?

I’m gonna be needing to to run that on my iPad..


"Fantastic work on Timeless 3. Will we see an AUv3 release ?

I’m gonna be needing to to run that on my iPad..

Rob — Jun 19, 2021"

Go Here..



Just in case:


Brilliant! Thank you!!



Is there any way for me to use my auv3 plug-ins I purchased for iOS on my M1 MacBook?


Hi P,

The plug-ins used on a computer are different from he ones on the iPad. You can purchase al license for the Mac version here:



Ralph (FabFilter)

"Brilliant! Thank you!!

Rob — Jun 20, 2021"

Your Welcome!



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